This has been a busy week in some ways…and I’m knee deep in my students’ rough drafts. Regardless, there are blessings to be found.
I’m counting them this Friday along with my FFF friends. You can join in by clicking over to meet Susanne, who hosts us each week.
This Friday, I’m thankful for…
1. March Madness! I grew up in a basketball household, with a dad who loved his b-ball. He attended University of Kentucky and was a huge Wildcat fan, so I’ve always favored Big Blue. Tonight, we have a house divided. As much as my husband loves Kentucky, he has to root for his alma mater, Indiana University. Should be interesting.
2. Friends who take time. It’s been almost ten weeks since Andrew’s accident and life goes on. It’s easy to get busy and forget what’s going on in other people’s lives, but I have some friends who come in, look deep into my eyes, and say, “How are you doing? How is Andrew?” They listen, they love, they pray with me. I can't even express how thankful I am for them.
3. An interesting book. I read a bit of this book earlier this year and had to return it to the library. I decided to order my own copy and it came this week. I’m anxious to get back into the book! I’ll probably be blogging on this topic in the future; I find it fascinating. The book is Hamlet’s Blackberry: Building a Good Life in the Digital Age by William Powers.
4. Paradise Lost and kids who get it, even if just the small moments. The book is definitely challenging, but my Honors class is getting close to the end. There are some beautiful moments in this work. I just love it! Some of my students are really into it and some are less than enthralled but they get captured by those small moments, too. Nice teachable moments – I love them.
5. A quote. My friend Jean Wise sent me this one, and it’s just lovely.
His purposes will ripen fast,
Unfolding every hour;
The bud may have a bitter taste
But sweet will be the flower. (William Cowper)
Jeanie reminded me that God is the master of turning burdens into blessings. Indeed He is!
Hoping that you (and I) can see the blessings in burdens this week.

Don't you just love a good network of friends who can pray with you?? I sure do treasure the ones I have!! Paradise Lost is TOUGH! I never made it through that one. i don't follow B-Ball (just baseball, the Red Sox of course which is hard here in Yankee territory but my I hope you both had an exciting game. Have a great weekend!!
Oh that is a good quote. I think I might have missed the fact that Andrew had an accident. I've been away a few weeks from FFF so maybe that's why. Enjoy the madness tonight!!
Where would we be without good and true friends? I'm glad you're enjoying the march Madness, and how wonderful that some of your students are enjoying Paradise Lost!
That is a really fun idea for a book! I hope you enjoy it, and I'll look forward to reading what you think of it.
Thank you for always sharing such great quotes.
Such a beautiful quote! I just spent a few moments catching up with your blog. Sending prayers for you and Andrew! Life changes by the minute doesn't it? Where would we be without prayerful friends. Sounds like you have some wonderful friends in your life.
Thank God for friends who take time!!! I have a couple of those and am very grateful!!
Will pray for Andrew, and for you too!!!
Love that quote!
Maybe I'll try that book in the future; I love when people post book reviews on their blogs because I LOVE to read and always looking for new books ; )
You're so right! God is the master of turning burdens into blessings. It's good to be reminded of that...
Glad your friends are such a good support group for you.
I do hope and pray that Andrew continues to recover quickly.
Friends who continue to 'be there' for you are a true blessing. And they are blessed by blessing you.
Usually 'we' are a March Madness household but since UCLA isn't involved this year, 'we're' in a bit of a slump. And DH is neck deep in rehearsals for the spring performance at the university.
continuing topray that andrew will get strnger each day and will not suffer discouragement.
love that quote!
Supportive friends like that are truly a great blessing!
Isn't if fun to have a little friendly family rivalry going during something like March Madness? I love to watch but unfortunately no one in the household does. So it's me and the cat. LOL.
So glad that quote lingered with you and encouraged you. Being grateful - like with this list - is powerful healer too.
THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY is also in the final four. HA! I hear though no one can really defeat Kentucky this year.
Praying for you, Laura! But betting on my buckeyes.
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