Can you name five blessings from your week? Susanne from Living to Tell the Story hosts Friday’s Fave Five each week. Jump over and see her if you’d like to join in!
Here are my faves from this week.
1. A mother’s tale – I started writing a novel this past November, and it has pretty much sat dormant since then. It’s a mother’s tale, so it’s dear to my heart. Next week I’ll be attending a writers conference and I’m taking the manuscript with me for critique. So I dug it out this week and revisited it, and it still brings a lump to my throat. Who knows if it will affect anyone else that way or not, but I do love telling it.
2. An author visit – One of my favorite Christian authors, Davis Bunn, visited our school this week. He taught several writing seminars and had lunch with us, and it was a great day. He’s such a great writer with a humble heart, and is so willing to lend his expertise to help others!
3. A college visit – One of my sons is visiting a university this weekend as part of a scholarship competition. I’m praying for him and excited for him!
4. A gathering of friends – At the writers conference this week, I get to connect with a bunch of writer friends who share my love for words and the Word. I’ve been thinking about it all week, and I can’t wait!
5. A bouquet of encouragement – Comments are so encouraging! I love reading my readers’ comments and hearing from friends I work with who visit my blog as well. One of my school friends who has signed up for my Monday newsletter said the other day, “I just love what you send on Mondays. It’s so encouraging and just what I need to hear.” Who cares about numbers when you hear that something you wrote encouraged someone? What a blessing! Thanks for encouraging words, friends.
Now it’s your turn – share your blessings with us.
How fun that you’re going to a writer’s conference. I hope it will inspire you to continue your novel. I bet it's so good. I'm saying a prayer for your son’s college visit and competition. Definitely big stuff.
Wow - I'm looking forward to some blog posts from a writer's conference. I've always wondered what they were like. I hope things go well with your manuscript.
I really enjoy Davis Bunn too.
Happy weekend!
A writers conference..how cool! Good luck to your son! Big moments in their lives! Have a great weekend
Your novel sounds interesting! I hope it gets published some day.
What a treat to have Davis Bunn come! I'd love to attend a seminar with him.
Have fun at the writer's conference!
I feel exactly the same way about comments. It's not so much the numbers but the encouragement and developing friendship. Love it.
How exciting that you are taking your book for critique. Hope you get many good comments!
I love Davis Bunn! Haven't read anything in awhile from him. I'll have to make a library trip!
Laura, I agree about the comments. I'm thankful my grandson is getting a bit better each day. :) I'm grateful for friends like you!
It sounds like you had such a fun week! :)
Writing, friends, scholarships and encouragement. I can see how these would have been selected as favorites.
Happy Friday!
Enjoy the writer's conference! It sounds very exciting!
Thank you for your kind, encouraging words! I am hopefully on the mend now! God is so good!
Have a wonderful weekend, Laura!
Wow ENJOY the writer's conference.....sounds great! And those encouraging words can go a long way! It's a good reminder to me to GIVE encouraging words more often. :)
Sounds like a GREAT week!
I'm in complete agreement with your last item, too. It's easy to get caught up in numbers, but what truly matters can't be measured.
I'm looking forward to hearing about the writer's conference, too! You have a great blog, Laura. I've enjoyed poking around -- lots of good recipes, writing and 'mom-isms.'
May God bless the work of your hands and your mind this week and in the days to come as you pen your thoughts for the new novel and for others who stop by for weekly encouragement. It's all kingdom work... one block upon another until a monument to the faithfulness of God stands as a large witness for the entire world to see.
Keep to it.
I had wanted to attend a Christian writer's conference in Florida next weekend.
Didn't work...but maybe next year.
So, please share about your experience.
Hope that your son gets a scholarship!
If the novel that you're working on moves you, then you probably have a story to tell that others will want to read.
Hang in there!
Sweet dreams.
Definitely an encouragement to know you've been a blessing to someone!
You are always a blessing to me. Love Clella
Beautiful post!
A writer's conference sounds really wonderful. And I like hearing about experts who are willing to share their expertise. All the best on your son's scholarship.
I totally agree with #5. It's easy to get caught up in wanting more comments and more followers, but I'm doing this because I feel it's something God wants me to do. It's also a good way to journal. If people are blessed along the way, it sure gives reassurance and makes it all worth while! We all need a little encouragement now and then!
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