Good Health, Good Friends, Good Travel: Friday's Fave Five

May 21, 2010 Happy Friday! Time to revisit the week and mine the blessings there. This has been a different one for me, but there’s plenty to be thankful for. If you’d like to join in, visit Susanne at Living to Tell the Story and read all about how.

1. A husband who feels better! My husband was hale and hearty Friday night, and got up feeling fine on Saturday. All of a sudden, he felt dizzy and could hardly stand or walk. After several hours of his reassuring me he just needed to rest, I convinced him to visit the ER. After a number of tests (and consideration of some scary things), they determined he has vertigo. The medicine has helped and he has gradually gotten better. I’m so glad! That was pretty scary.

2. Friends who care. Sweet friends have called to check on him and offered to help out, and that’s heartwarming.

3. An upcoming trip. My son who’s graduating from high school this year is going on his senior trip and I’m going along as a chaperone. It’s going to be great fun! I’ll be out a lot of this week. I may post ahead if I can find the time, but I’m not sure I’ll be able to accomplish that. I’ll be back, though!

4, Fellow writers. As I mulled over my post for the writers group I’m part of, I thought of all the writers I’ve met over the last several years – both in person and online. I’m so thankful for those relationships and for the encouragement they provide!

5. Only a few weeks left of school. This one thrills my heart. There’s a half-written novel waiting for my attention, and I know I won’t have a chance to work on it until school is out. I look forward to sleeping in a bit, too.

Thanks for visiting my Friday post. How was your week?


Melissa said...

So glad to hear that your husband is feeling better. I have a friend who suffers from vertigo, and I know it can be rough.

We're counting down to the end of school, too! :)

Corinne Cunningham said...

How scary! So glad your husband is feeling better. Have fun on your trip :)

Anonymous said...

I am glad your husband is feeling better. I have had bouts of vertigo at times -- it is definitely disconcerting.

Have fun on the trip!

I am looking forward to summer as well.

I was just checking out a local writer's group online last night -- definitely interesting!

ellen b. said...

Oh wow so glad your husband is feeling better. That must have been scary.
Hope the senior trip is wonderful for everyone.
It always is good when the school year is done...enjoy.

Donnetta said...

So glad to hear things turned out well for your husband!

Enjoy your trip away. How Fun!

And I'm with you on number 5. I think I'm reminding the kids of how many days are left of school more than they are me. So looking forward to the more relaxed mornings! Counting it down...

Jerralea said...

I try not to be jealous of those with careers in education ... getting the summers off sounds so lovely! Hope your summer is all you are hoping for.

Glad to hear your husband is better. I certainly understand how scary it can be when your dh is not up to par.

Have fun chaperoning the field trip. I would be a nervous wreck!

Karen said...

So glad your hubby is better and you can feel free to go to your trip. Be careful and have fun. Yeah, for just a few weeks of school left.

Beth Mann said...

Mrs. Groves! My mom just told me that you had written a book! How exciting! I'm actually working on my first novel as well :) I am so excited to read your book (since I have two little boys!), and to read more on your blog too! Hope you are well, and glad that Mr. Groves is okay! ~ Beth (Lamey) Mann

Lisa notes... said...

Wow—I’m sure that was quite a scare with your husband. Glad it’s “just” vertigo—I know that’s a hard thing to have, too. Hope you have a great time on the senior trip. Practice staying up late.

Willow said...

Oh, I'm glad your husband finally went to the ER and is feeling better now.

Enjoy the Senior trip! But not too much.

Susanne said...

My sis in law went through the exact same thing as your husband a few weeks ago. And you're right it is very scary. Glad to hear the medicine has kicked in and he's feeling better.

I always enjoyed going on class trips with my kids. Have a wonderful time.

Johnnie Alexander said...

Praying for you and your trip! Though also missing you on email.

Faith said...

Oh enjoy every minute of the senior trip. Our high school doesn't do senior trips. 5th and 6th grades seem to be the years for the big trips. But...I am getting my oldest ready for her junior prom, to be held in 2 weeks, and am a bit teary-eyed at how quickly the time flies by.....yet I know she is in the Lord's hands and that He already knows where she'll be 2 years from now!
A great list...glad your hubby is doing better!! enjoy the rest of the weekend....

Kris said...

So glad hubby's feeling better. My mother in law was sent to the er and it turned out to be vertigo months ago, but from what she said, it's horrible.

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