Truth, Smiles, and Books: A Good Week

May 14, 2010 Happy Friday!

It’s time to look back at the week and pick out some favorites. Thanks to Susanne at Living to Tell the Story for hosting. If you’d like to join in with us, we’d love to have you – visit Susanne for details.

Here are five of my blessings from this week:

1. An award for my boy. We attended Senior Recognition Night and my son received a really nice award. He’s a service-oriented, behind the scenes kind of guy, so it was SO nice to see that rewarded. He was really surprised, too. We weren’t – and we were proud!

2. A new book. I’m reading a new book by one of my favorite authors, Jane Kirkpatrick. Her writing is so compelling and lyrical, so sensitive and insightful. If you haven’t read any of her books, check out this link and pick one!

3. More book stuff. This week I finished my “proof pages” for I’m Outnumbered and sent them back! This is the last look before they go off to be printed. It was neat to see the layout, fonts, etc. The publisher forwarded some endorsements to me, too, and they’re so nice – they were really fun to read. This is getting pretty exciting…!

4. An inspiring mom-friend. If you haven’t read Handful of Blueberries, Heart Full of Love, take a look. My dear friend who became an instant mom of three overnight is an inspiration! When I asked her permission to print the post, she said, "If it will help someone who's considering the process, go for it." She's incredible.

5. An Emily Dickinson quote. This quote from her poem, “Tell all the Truth but tell it slant” is one of my favorites:

“The Truth must dazzle gradually, or every man be blind.”

So true, I think, in fiction. I find it compelling when the seeds of truth are sown carefully throughout a novel. The reader begins to identify the scent of truth, only to have it confirmed by the actions of a character in coming chapters. Rather than trumpeting a blatant moral or a prescriptive maxim, the truth blooms like a rose. Story does its work, gradually unveiling universal truth. It’s a beautiful process. Makes you want to read a good book, doesn't it?

So, there’s my week, full of blessings. Hope yours was, too! I’d love to hear about it.

Happy weekend!


Diane said...

Great list. I linked to your blog today at

Have a great week! :O)

Angela said...

what a great week! especially about your book!! that is so awesome!

Susanne said...

I think the same about #5. I love when a fiction novel has truths woven throughout like that.

I love Jane Kirkpatrick too! Which one are you reading?

Congrats to your son! Love that they recognize those kids who are doing behind the scenes stuff.

ellen b. said...

I like that...the truth blossoming like a rose. Hats off to your son for receiving a well deserved award!!
Have a great weekend..

Susannah said...

Isn't that just a wonderful quote by E. Dickenson! I've tweeted it. You come up with some doozies! :~D

Jerralea said...

I enjoyed so much reading about your friend Lucy! It will be interesting to see what God has in store for them next.

Congrats on your book! How exciting!

I have never read Jane Kirkpatrick ... of course, now I have to!

Marg said...

You have the heart of a writer...It's reflected in how you post. You could do an on-line blog on how to improve our styles.
It's always fun to come back.
I'm waiting for your book.

Karen said...

I just recently discovered Jane Kirkpatrick and am so glad I did. Congrats on your book!

annies home said...

good for your son we had our own senior night with our son being recognized as well

Willow said...

Hurray for your book! Isn't it exciting??

I read the Handful of Blueberries story--my dd and sil are pursuing foster-adopting. Their best friends have already been placed with an infant girl! There is so much need!

Have a great weekend~

Karen said...

All your sons have done exceedingly well. Congrats! And yeah for the book almost here!

Anonymous said...

I am sorry I missed FFF this week! We had our annual Ladies' Luncheon, and I wasn't able to spend much time on the computer the last few days.

Congratulations to your son! It is encouraging when kids get that kind of recognition.

I read one Kirkpatrick book years ago but disagreed on what I thought was a pretty big doctrinal issue. Maybe I should give her another try.

It's exciting to hear the progress on your book!

I love that quote and your comment on it.

Lisa notes... said...

Glad your son received recognition for behind-the-scenes work. You must have raised him well! Your book stuff does indeed sound very exciting. Keep us posted. I love the Emily Dickinson quote. Makes me think…

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