Get out and help someone!
Volunteer somewhere and take the kids along. It’s a great way to do something different and help others at the same time. And there are all kinds of volunteer opportunities from actual physical labor to providing transportation, to shopping for someone, to simply donating to your local soup kitchen or food pantry.
What does volunteering teach your children?
Respect for others. Volunteering often puts you and your kidss in different situations with different types of people. Kids quickly learn that people we label as “different” are not so different after all. We all have the same human need to be loved and accepted, no matter what our age or color.
That it’s not “all about me.” As bad as things are, there’s always someone who has life a bit harder than you.
To count their blessings. We learn to be thankful for what we so often take for granted – just simple physical abilities – when we see others who lack those.
Don’t know how to get started?
Call your church or a local church, if you don’t have one. Ask if they have any need for an able-bodied family that would like to volunteer.
Check the community calendar in your local newspaper.
Just look around your neighborhood. Is there an elderly neighbor who has a need? Maybe a new mom with kids you could host for an afternoon? Explain to your children how volunteering like this helps others.
Go to http://www.dosomething.org/volunteer and plug in your zip code. They’ll provide you with volunteer opportunities in your area.
So, use the summer to get out with your kids and help someone.
For the love of summer,
Laura, this is one thing I wish I had done more of with my kids. Thanks for the suggestions, maybe grandkids?? :)
Oh! I just realized I left my comment for this post down under the fix something post -- duh! I read the past few all at once...and then forgot to scroll up to comment on this first one. See below for relevant comment! :)
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