Thankful Anticipation: Friday's Fave Five

Friday November 19, 2010
Happy Friday!

Thanks to Susanne at Living to Tell the Story for hosting Friday’s Fave Five. It’s a great opportunity to share our favorites of the week. If you’d like to join in, just visit Susanne and get the details.

Here are the blessings of this past week for me:

1. A plan. My sweet little grandson Aiden’s mommy is nearing the end of her maternity leave. She and my son had hoped for some job changes that would allow her to stay home with Aiden, but with 2 weeks left, they’ve had to come up with a plan. Their employers have been flexible and their schedules will be crazy, but they’ve worked it so that one of them will be with Aiden all the time. This won’t be easy, and I’m praying it will be just for a short season. But I’m thankful they’ve worked it out together and they have a plan…and that their hearts are with their little family.

2. Scents of the season. I love the smell of apples and cinnamon! I have candle warmers at home and in my classroom, and I love it when the kids walk in and say, “It smells so good in here!”

3. A new view of thankfulness. Gratitude has been the theme on my blog this month. By keeping thankfulness close to the surface, I’ve learned so much. Thankfulness is so much more than looking at our material blessings and saying, “Thanks.” I’ll be posting on the hidden benefits of thankfulness next week, and I’ll write to mothers of boys about it on Saturday at the Mothers of Boys Society (come visit!). I’m thankful for thankfulness!

4. A whole week off! Today is our last day of school for a week, with Thanksgiving in the middle. I’m so thankful for some breathing time. Time to get ready for the holidays, time to write… I’m working on a proposal for another nonfiction book for women, and I’m hoping to use some of the time next week to get that ready. In fact, I’m putting together a little survey for women. If you’d like to help me by answering a few questions, email me at LauraLeeGroves at g mail dot com and I’ll send a short survey out to you.

5. A G.K. Chesterton quote. This pretty much sums up what I’m feeling about gratitude these days.

I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought; and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder. (G.K. Chesterton)

Happiness doubled by wonder – isn’t that an awesome way of putting it? We wonder, we marvel at our blessings, and our happiness doubles!

Wishing you wonder and happiness in the week ahead.


Anonymous said...

A whole week off - how wonderful! I love apple and cinnamon scents too (cinnamon makes me hungry). There is so much to learn about thankfulness. I like your take on the gratitude quote.


Heidi @ Decor & More said...

Fabulous quote, Laura! I'm embarking on my own week "off"-- NaNo immersion for me :). Enjoy your break!


So great that they were able to work it out so that one of them is always with him.

I have been really big into candles, air fresheners, potpourri, etc this season.

Chris is off for an entire week next week, so I, too, am thankful for week's off.

Karyn said...

Good for your kids to make such an effort to have one of them caring for that precious one at all times. Hope it works out.

Gratitude is a good way to live! I also love the 'happiness doubled by wonder' part of the quote!

Your students are lucky to have you for their teacher....keeping your room smelling nice?! That's above and beyond.

Have a good holiday - Happy Thanksgiving!

Kari said...

love the quote!! who doesn't want their happiness doubled.
That's great that Aiden's parents employers are willing to work with them to make things work.
We don't have season's but I love those scents too.
Happy Weekend.

rjerdee said...

I see you're an author and took a look at your book on amazon...I hope it's selling well for you. :)

A whole week off--that's a blessing in itself...Have a happy weekend and make good use of your Happy Week Off!

Carrie said...

Enjoy your time off!

And I'm so glad for "the plan" which will allow Aiden to be with his mommy and daddy for longer! That's a blessing worth mentioning indeed!

Happy Thanksgiving to you!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad your son and daughter-in-law want one of them to be home with their little one and have been able to work out a plan for that.

I've been posting one thing I am thankful for every day this month, and it has been a blessing. Though I am often thankful for these things, it helps to articulate them....kind of like when couple knows they love each other, but it helps to say and hear it.

Yay for time off!

Gattina said...

I love apple and cinnamon smell too, it makes feel so cosy.

Anonymous said...

Oh I wish we had off all next week!!!! We have in-service days on Tues and Wed. next week. Enjoy that time off!!!!!
Thanks for your kind words and prayers!!!!

Willow said...

Happiness doubled by wonder. Love it! That's a great quote and I'm not surprised that G.K. Chesterton said/wrote it.

Enjoy your whole week off!

Jean Wise said...

This is a great list this week, Laura. love it when a plan comes together!! But especially like you mentioning your gratitude for the scents of the season. how true!

Karen said...

I'm hoping your gratitude will swell, with good news regarding Aiden and his parents. I'm jealous of you getting a whole week off.:P But you NEED the rest, you are so busy.

Enjoy your family this Thanksgiving.

ellen b. said...

Love C.K. what a great quote. I'm sooo glad your kids worked out the schedule to be with their baby. A whole week off ~ Enjoy!
I just found a apple/cinnamon candle in the cupboard from last year. I think I'll pull it out!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

Faith said...

oh how I love GK Chesterton quotes! have a great list...I know the feeling of returning to work...i had to for a year when my oldest was 1....but the Lord worked out all the sounds like your grandbaby has wonderful, caring parents who are putting him first! To God be the glory...have a fantastic Thanksgiving...a whole week off...I wish we did up here in NY...we only have thurs/fri off. but at least it's something! OH...and I think a couple of the moms in my group are gonna buy your book!

Susanne said...

I'm so glad that your son and daughter in law have a plan for their family. That must be a load off their minds.

I love the apple cinnamon scents. So good.

Enjoy your week off. It's a nice time of year to have that.

Jenny said...

I have the entire week off from school as well. Can't wait to catch up on some projects and enjoy some downtime.

Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving such a nice comment.

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