Post-Holiday Musings: Friday's Fave Five

Friday January 14, 2011

Thanks to Susanne at Living to Tell the Story for hosting Friday’s Fave Five. It’s a great opportunity to share our favorites of the week. If you’d like to join in, just visit Susanne and get the details.

Here are my week's blessings:

1. The desire, the compulsion, to write. After being away for it for awhile (during the holidays), I still feel the desire to write. I'm thankful for that! It pushes me to think, to ponder, to consider so much that I would just let go by if I didn't feel the need to set it down in words.

2. My colleagues. I do love the people I teach with! When things are tough, in the classroom or out, they're there for me. In many ways, we're like a family -- ready to listen, to pray, to admonish sometimes and to laugh.

3. My hard-working hubby. I can't even tell you how hard he works. He juggles and juggles and is committed to excellence in all he does. He has worked so hard since the holidays.

4. The bond my boys share. Yesterday I posted about Simple Moments, and I dug out some pictures of those holiday moments. The first is Aiden with his uncles. Notice one is holding him, one has his foot, and one has his hand.

And this one? Well, they've always loved to take a silly picture. This was but one of the holiday's silly pictures of Aiden and his dad and uncles. (His daddy is second from the left, in gray.)

5. You're waiting for a quote, aren't you? This one is a little longer. Really, it's a verse. But I do love it. I'm feeling so very "family" right now, that this is perfect.

"I'd rather be a mother than anyone on earth
Bringing up a child or two of unpretentious birth...
I'd rather tuck a little child all safe and sound in bed
than twine a chain of diamonds about my [carefree] head.
I'd rather wash a smudgy face with round, bright, baby eyes
Than paint the pageantry of fame or walk among the wise." (Meredith Gray)

Keep warm. Here's wishing you January joy.


Melissa said...

Fabulous photos of your sons and baby Aiden! I think those memories and pictures will always make you smile. :)

Heidi @ Decor & More said...

Ooo, I've been dying for a peek at your precious grandson-- thanks for sharing. What precious moments with your family! And thanks for the reminder to be grateful for our hard-working hubbies...I needed that one!
Happy Friday, Happy Writing!

Anonymous said...

Awww Aiden, what a loved baby! The silly photo cracked me up. I love the verse.


Kari said...

I can see the joy and love in the photo. it's precious!
lovely quote and it is nice when you can lean on your work colleagues.

elizabeth said...

Those photos are absolutely priceless! I loved the first one, but then seeing them all silly together just put a smile on my face.

Anonymous said...

Love those photos! Aiden will have a lot of role models to look up to as he grows.

Michelle DeRusha said...

Ooooooh, those pictures of Aiden and the men are so incredibly sweet!

Karen said...

Laura, I was waiting for that picture! Grinning real big!!! love it!

Willow said...

Lucky Aiden to have so many uncles! The sibling bond is really something special, isn't it?

Katrina @ Callapidder Days said...

What great pictures of your boys with Aidan! My kids have a passel of fun uncles -- what a blessing it is.

ellen b. said...

Love the photos Laura. Isn't it wonderful to watch our children love and enjoy each other. Those bonds are fabulous. I'm glad your boys love each other. Have a wonderful weekend.

mdforkids said...

You can just see all the love in your family, I love these pictures!

I love that quote too. :) Have a wonderful weekend!

Susannah said... all that testosterone in one room! Precious, precious photos. And I'd rather be a Mom more than anything else too!

Happy FFF, Laura.

Gattina said...

That must be international these kind of silly pictures, lol ! How cute, such a lot of uncles ! Little Toby has only one ! and a little girl cousin. Our family is very small. Only the two of us + the young couple now with Toby. My DIL has not a very strong contact to her family unfortunately.

Susan DiMickele said...

I can relate to the desire and compulsion to write! Especially after taking time off over the holidays. Now, we just need to find more time!

Lisa notes... said...

I understand your compulsion. As many writers say, I can’t NOT write. But it really does help me clarify my own thoughts. Something about the process. God is good.

Oh, that picture of baby Aiden is so precious. Wow. Aren’t you glad you have it??? And such a beautiful poem to go along with it.
Have a great weekend,

Anonymous said...

Love your quote. It is really something special to be a mom. Best job ever!

I also love how you publicly praise your husband. It is awesome to see the respect you have for him.

Karyn said...

Aren't boys great?

Your's look like fun to be around.

Love the quote/poem!

Jerralea said...

I love the verse you shared!

It really is wonderful when your work feels like a family - after all, think how many hours we spend working.

Love the pictures of the baby - and the boys!

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