Spring Things: Friday's Fave Five

Friday March 18, 2011Welcome to Friday’s Fave Five. Join me as I look back at the week's blessings.If you’d like to join us, visit Susanne at Living to Tell the Story to find out how.

Here are my favorites from this week:

1. A great weekend. Last weekend was great. Hubby and I took in a movie together on Friday, picked up our college boy at the airport on Saturday, and got to wish and hope and pray for our oldest’s big weekend. (I mentioned it last week. It went well, and we should know something definitive on Sunday.)

2. A great post on moms supporting moms. Melissa, at Confessions of a Dr. Mom has the greatest blog. This post, Forget the Mommy Wars, is one of my all-time favorites.

3. Having my college boy home. It’s been awesome! I’ve cooked his favorites, I shared his new peppermint loose-leaf tea, he’s helped me on the computer, all three of us have watched TV together. I already look forward to him coming home for the summer.

4. People who love my boys. One of my sons is student teaching, and he really likes his supervising teacher. And there’s another teacher across the hall who always checks in on him to see what kind of day he’s had. They’re both so encouraging – it blesses a mom’s heart. I could cite examples of those kind of people for each of my sons, and it’s such a blessing to know there are special people in their paths.

5. Spring Break and this quote. I’ve relished my break this week. I’ve gotten a lot done, but I’ve had time to think, to ponder, to ruminate. I’ve looked out at the sky and enjoyed the breeze and…well, it’s going to be harder to do those things once Monday morning hits. I’m hoping this quote by Thomas Merton will remind me to slow down and see Him in all.

Let me seek, then, the gift of silence, and poverty, and solitude, where everything I touch is turned into prayer: where the sky is my prayer, the birds are my prayer, the wind in the trees is my prayer, for God is all in all.

Happy Friday to you.


Heidi @ Decor & More said...

Glad you enjoyed your break, Laura! You're so wise to take a breather-- literally. It's buckle your seatbelt from here to June, right?
Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE that quote! Thanks for sharing it!
So neat to hear you son's student teaching is going well! :) And time with your college boy is priceless! Boys can be so fun can't they!?!?!

Anonymous said...

That's a wonderful quote, beautifully written. Thanks for sharing that. It's always fun to be home from college. I remember the feeling. Happy weekend!


Deidra said...

I love it when my adult children come home for awhile. Sitting together watching TV with them is such a great experience! It's a small thing, but it means so much!

Lisa notes... said...

So glad you’re going to get your college boy home for the summer. Those days are gone with my college girl. She stays put in the summers too.

So thankful for good teachers and praising God that you are one of them!

Karen said...

Love Thomas Merton. This is such a great quote.

I'm glad you enjoyed your break this week, Laura. As much as they kids look forward to it, teachers must value the time tenfold! Thanks for all you do:)

Susanne said...

Oh how I wish I could do the spring break.

I love when my adult girl comes home. Easter seems a long way away this year from Christmas. I can hardly wait. No coming home for the whole summer but she usually comes for a week and we go there for a week.

Carrie said...

It sounds like you've had a wonderful spring break - and a great visit with your son.

I hope you enjoy this weekend equally well!

Tracey said...

Our spring break starts next week and we are all looking forward to it. Just need a breather...

Karen said...

Laura, I love that quote! Happy weekend.

ellen b. said...

Breaks are so nice and then when you get to see kids that have been away it really adds to it...
I'm glad your boys have had people in their lives that are an encouragement and help to them. How wonderful that is...
Enjoy your weekend.

Penny said...

Hi, Laura. I'm new to you... new to Friday's Fave Five...and new to blogging. I'm also a fast fan of each!

I'm your newest GFC follower. I could practically write my fave five right here, lol - I really like your header. You have a lovely, welcoming smile. Your blog is encouraging and inspiring. So glad you had a nice spring break.

May your blessings continue,


Julie said...

Such a good quote. Thank you for sharing it. Have a blessed week!

Gattina said...

That's nice that you still have a college boy ! I have only one and he became a young father 4 months ago.

rjerdee said...

Excellent quote from Thomas Merton, one of my favorite guys...

Karyn said...

Seeing your children being loved and supported by others is such a blessing! I'm glad you get to see this in your boys' lives.

Hoping your oldest has good news this weekend!

Catherine said...

I'm so glad you had a nice break, and some time with your son. My boys are still young, but they are growing every time I blink. I jumped over to the dr mom blog. I liked it! Thank you, too, for sharing the quote. it's beautiful.

Marg said...

What a great quote at the end.
Keep loving and praying on those sons..as I have just been through a journey of learning to understand the challenges that my oldest son has faced...and I'm right there once again to support him. I love my boy and his two boys...
We can never stop praying for our children small or adult.
By the way, I purchased your book and am enjoying reviewing it in the eyes of parenting my two little grandsons. How fun!

Anonymous said...

The date night sounds great! As does having a college son home! And it's so neat when God brings people across our sons' paths to encourage them along.

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