Here are my favorites for this week:
1. Direct flights. Last week this time I was with the family. We had gathered to celebrate a college graduation, and it was great! A rare direct flight made it even better because I spent less time traveling and more time with the family.
2. Herbal Peppermint Tea -- a Mother's Day gift! My youngest gave me some wonderful loose-leaf herbal tea. The peppermint is so soothing. I just love it. (Thanks to the young lady in his life who helped him, too.)
3. Mother's Day Weekend. I don't know the last time we were all together for Mother's Day weekend, including my eighty-six year old mom. The trip was an adventure for her, but she got to see all of our family and watch a grandson graduate. It was an incredible weekend filled with hugs, tears, beautiful cards, hellos and goodbyes, and Aiden's giggles.
4. My graduate. Here he is -- my college graduate. That's the lovely young lady in his life next to him, and we got to spend a little time with her, too. (So sweet.) He's doing all the real-world stuff now, like interviews, apartment hunting and all that. We're so proud of him!
5. Thankfulness. Oh, just so much to be thankful for. No, this family isn't perfect and everything in life isn't easy, but I'm so thankful for boys who love Mom and Dad and the concept of family and each other and sweet girls and their Source. I've been thinking about that Source lately -- you know, the wellspring. Those broken cisterns run dry pretty quickly, but the joy from Him just keeps bubbling up. Come Monday, that'll probably be the subject of my post.
I joined the party a bit late today -- had a book to finish editing and Blogger was down on Thursday night. And last week I wasn't able to come greet as usual as we were "familying." But I'll be around this weekend to say hi. Hope all of you had a wonderful Mother's Day!
Blessings on your week ahead.

Yea for direct flights! Congrats on your new college graduate too. It’s impossible to tell young moms how FAST the time flies between babies and graduates, but it definitely does.
Congrats on the college graduate.
How wonderful that you were all together to share your son's graduation. Family really is what's most important.
The best part of the week was certainly watching your boy graduate! Congratulations to him!
a college grad! awesome. glad you had a great mother's day weekend. how many more days with students? we have 9.
What a special week you've had !! Huge congrats to your son for the college graduation....and how awesome your mother's day sounds!! Blessings to you and enjoy the weekend!!
I always love reading your Friday Favs. Congratulations to your son. What a wonderful week indeed :)
i got to meet my son's girlfriend last week. she too is sweet. i am very thankful for her as it sounds like you are for your son's girl friend.
love peppermint tea. always soothes me and makes my mouth think there is a party going on.
how awesome that you all got to be with your mom. makes the graduation that much sweeter, doesn't it?
glad you are back safe and sound.
I love that term "familying".
Sounds like you've been getting lots of the family time this week and that is something to be thankful for, for sure. What a blessing that your sons have made their Momma proud.
So glad you got some good family time in, and a direct flight (insert heavy sigh), what's that? Good for you.
“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.”
To each of you that I have awarded this Versatile Blogger Award, I do so with humble gratitude to my friend for passing it along to me and in thanks to you for sharing yourself with your readers. It challenges you to pass it in return to 15 others. You were among my list. Sometimes you strike my heart; sometimes you strike the secret part – that rubs me the wrong way in defense, sometimes you leave me breathless at your words or photos. You always leave me inspired, encouraged, challenged and stronger that I was before though. And for that, I pass this award along to you.
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I am all over direct flights! Yeah! And tea is my newest passion.
Congrats on the graduate.
I am late visiting FFF people -- we had a super-busy weekend.
I so love direct flights -- they get us there that much faster.
Congratulations to your graduate!
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