It's a day to remember those who served. Many paid the ultimate sacrifice. But ever the mom, I'm thankful not only to those who serve, but those who love and have loved from afar.
I'm thinking of the women in our soldiers' lives -- the moms, the wives. I find that I too often forget their sacrifices and struggles.
A dear friend of mine recounted a family outing with her veteran son and his young family a while back, and it really got me thinking. They were all having a great time...but Mom glimpsed at her son and noticed his heart was heavy, his steps slow.
He stopped to rest and she fell back to see if he was all right. He was one of the lucky ones to return from war. After surgeries and recuperation, he seems great. But he still suffers physical weakness at times when old injuries are pushed to their limit. And his heart? Full of love for his family, his Creator, and his country, it still struggles a bit at times to keep pace with life around him.
Crowds, noises encroach on him and memories invade. Life is changed after war. It's never quite the same. Sacrifice goes on for him and his family.
Moms and wives of our soldiers deal with lasting wounds every day. I'm blessed to know my friend, who shares her struggles. I'm privileged to think of her, pray for her.
Thank a soldier or two today.
Remember the women in their lives.
And value the ultimate freedom we have in Christ.

This is a revised repost from Veteran's Day 2011. Linking up today with Michelle at Graceful for Hear it on Sunday, Use it on Monday.
Absolutely, Laura -- the soldiers sacrifice so much...and those at home, the wives and moms and occasionally the husbands and dads, offer a huge sacrifice, too -- and one we often forget about.
My brother (stationed in Hawaii at the time) took me to Pearl Harbor, where I had a breakdown as I looked at all the names on the wall. Because it dawned on me, suddenly, that so many of them had sisters. Great post.
Perfect reminder today, Laura. Thank you!
thank you for a beautiful reminder....i get overwhelmed when i see my brother in law, dad, father in law, and nephew, all men who have served or are serving our country...they have so many memories...they've seen so much that we can't even begin to imagine. I am so thankful I know these men (and one woman, a past roomie from college!)...it IS an honor to pray for them.
Laura, you made me cry. Yes, thanks for all the sacrifices! luv ya.
This made me cry Laura. I can barely look at a soldier without having tears come to my eyes, I'm so thankful for how they serve us. Thank you for sharing your friend's story. We need to be reminded!
What a beautiful tribute to our people in service...to remember to pray for their loved ones. Thank you for this reminder!
This means a lot to me! Thank you for a beautiful post. I'll share it with my son & his wife. (And thank you for your visit!)
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