Summer Dreamin'

Tuesday May 10, 2011

Summer’s comin’. Maybe you thrill to those words – or they send a different kind of chill down your spine.

What in the world will we do to fill up the summer?

I know what this teacher is going to do. Some dreaming.

Use the season.
Summer is a slow-down kind of season. Oh, the fun picks up a bit, but the hustle-bustle of the regular schedule is gone. And I say a fond adieu to that!

I’ll be spending the time in some summer dreams.

Plan to dream.
First, I plan to go somewhere that’s conducive to dreaming. It may just be my backyard, but it’ll be a place to slow down. A place where I can leave the phone and the computer behind.

I’ll prepare my heart by communing with God – both in His word and in prayer. I’ll ask Him confirm my vision for the summer.

Some family dreaming.
It won’t all be about me, though. I’m committed to dreaming for my family, too.

Today’s culture emphasizes living for the moment, having it right now, but it doesn’t have much to say the process of becoming—who and what our kids should become. Parents can be the ones to inspire and encourage our children to become people marked by strong character, goodness, and joy. So we need to set that vision before them.

I’ll share my vision.
How do you feel when you know someone believes in you – someone thinks you’re capable of greatness?

As we compliment our little ones on their tower building, on their polite behavior, on their great coloring skills, we’re sharing our vision of a bright future for our children. I’m not talking about labeling them as “future architect” and expecting them to grow into that title. I’m just talking about affirmation, about giving kids room to grow and a leg up along the way.

I remember telling my little “never get anything less than an A” son, “We’re very proud of you for what you know and do, but what’s most important is that you love God and the people around you.” Share your vision with your kids -- let them know you hope they’ll be marked by integrity, love, and compassion for others. Tell them you’re committed to doing everything you can to help make them into a man or woman of grace and strength.

Next, I’ll be making a plan for those dreams.
I’ll be asking, “What can I do to move closer to that?” I love summer because I have time for dreams and plans.

And last, I’ll be reminding myself: “Don’t expect instant fulfillment.”
I have to remember I won’t see those dreams come true overnight. Every little thing makes a difference. And I need to remember, there are lessons to be learned along the way, from the shining vision to the one that has seemed to crash.

In reality, it’s out of my hands. I Thessalonians 5:24 tells me, “The one who calls you is faithful and He will do it.”

He will do it. He will take my efforts and use them in His way, in His time, for His glory.

Do you have plans for summer dreamin'?

Wishing you summer dreams!

Linking up with Jen at Finding Heaven Today for Soli deo Gloria. Click on over and come along with us!


Unknown said...

On July 31st, my job at the church will be done. And for the whole month of August, I am giving myself fully to the kids. It's gonna be great!

Amy Sullivan said...

First, so sorry I missed linking-up my Mother's Day tribute to a mom of boys. My internet went down, and I went crazy. You would think that no internet for six days wouldn't be that big of a deal, ahem, it was!

Anyway, summer? Camping, running through sprinklers, kid time, and staying up late to write because I don't have to get up early!

Anonymous said...

Great great post! I'm summer dreaming for SURE! You made me that much more excited! :)

Kristin Bridgman said...

I don't know what my summer holds for me but I always love em!
Congratulations on your book! That's a dream of mine some day.
Thanks for coming over to my place.

Unknown said...

well, ummmm. i mentioned to a friend that i would like to write her story. i think i thought she would say no but...she didn't. so perhaps, maybe, not sure, but i might work on a book this summer. my first one was about me and my story. getting hers is going to take more work. spiritual, emotional, physical.

enjoy the end of the year! 13 days for me!

Pamela said...

Your summer will be full of fun and joy if you follow your plan. My summer is challenging because for 5 out of the 7 days a week we'll have an empty nest. I'm asking God to accept the changes and concentrate on my writing instead of focusing on missing my "baby." I'm bookmarking your post in case I get "lost."

With joy,

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