“I gasp for more time, frantic for more time. But I have to wonder: more time for more what?”
How about this?
“But, someone, please give me—who is born again but still so much in need of being born anew—”
I just finished chapters 2 and 3 of Ann Voskamp’s One Thousand Gifts, and you can see how it speaks to my heart. It’s like a bud that gradually unfolds, the way Ann shares her journey and I see its necessity.
She stumbles on the Greek word eucharisteo, meaning thanksgiving and she writes, “…how else do we accept His free gift of salvation if not with thanksgiving? Thanksgiving is the evidence of our acceptance of whatever He gives.”
Whatever He gives—the big and the small.
If those lists of the everyday seem trivial to you, consider this: “Why would the world need more anger, more outrage?…Rejecting joy to stand in solidarity with the suffering doesn’t rescue the suffering. The converse does. The brave who focus on all things good and all things beautiful and all things true, even in the small, who give thanks for it and discover joy even in the here and now, they are the change agents who bring the fullest Light to all the world.”
See what I mean? Her words make me think.
And I love it.
What about you? Did any of those quotes pique your interest? Are you reading something thought-provoking right now?

Linking up with Jen at Finding Heaven Today for Soli deo Gloria. Click on over and come along with us!
Laura! I read that book this past spring and I've bought it for 2 good friends from my small group!! I am also doing some "creative writing" (but certainly not on Ann's level!!) over at my blog about once a week with the label "treasures from God" which are my postings about the things He brings me...the big or small things that He blesses me with and that I am learning to be thankful for....to live fully and to fully live. her book is inspiring me to really learn the art of contentment, find Jesus in everything....i could go on and on. LOVE this book!! It has a prominent place on my living room coffee table :) Happy Reading!!
i love how that book made me think. and i turn to the thanksgiving again and again to stave off the melancholy, the anger, the resentment, the envy....
"Whatever He gives..." strikes me so. And even if it is not Him specifically giving it, He still allows for it to happen, the suffering things of life, the trauma, the difficulties. How do I hold everything in my life with hands wide open instead of fists clenched shut?
Wow, those are great quotes! Sounds like a wonderful book.
Oh, isn't that book just something?! I love that first quote, thank you for the reminder! And I'm reading some thought-provoking books right now, yes indeed! Give Them Grace, 90% of which I don't think I agree with, yet I'm feeling compelled to re-evaluate what I think; Made to Crave--helping me rethink my desires for food over God, and Catch-22 (what on earth is going on with that book?! lol)
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