Here are my favorites for this week:
1. National Book Month. Did you know October is National Book Month? Over at Kindred Heart Writers, we’re celebrating! Here’s the introductory post that will tell you all about the party. Jump on over to celebrate books with us, and find out what one of my favorite books this summer was.
2. Teenagers! Yes, I said teenagers. I teach them everyday, and there are ups and downs. We had auditions for our spring musical this week, and being cooped up in a room with a bunch of crazy, fun, creative, talented teens was SO much fun. They’re just awesome.
3. The learning process. I’ve been dragging my students through King Lear, with some showing enthusiasm (while others begged for No Fear Shakespeare—all the plot without any of the beauty of his language). We just finished the play, and there are signs that I’ve won more than a few over. I heard more than once today, “I love that line!” and even “I’m going to use that one.” Love it!
4. Coast-to-coast brothers. My third son (the high school math teacher from Kentucky) is attending a conference in California, where one of his big brothers lives. Son #2 drove a couple of hours to meet his bro for dinner and a movie. I love the fact that they’re hanging out—it’ll be good for both of them. (And does my heart good!)
5. This quote:
“Everywhere I have sought rest and not found it, except sitting in a corner by myself with a little book.” (Thomas a Kempis)
Not only is that my homage to National Book Week, it’s my heart’s desire right now. This has been such a full week—in fact, too full. I crave some quiet time with a book. I do need a little rest of that sort.
Here’s hoping you find a quiet corner and a good book this week.

A quiet corner with a book is one of my favourite ways to recoup too. Or a hammock!
Don't you love it when your boys enjoy being together? Mine do and it makes me so happy!
Hope you have a nice relaxing weekend - and enjoy Columbus day!
I wasn't acquainted with King Lear until I saw it in college, and it became one of my favorites of Shakespeare's.
I am glad the two brothers could get together.
Great quote. How great that your boys were able to get together. I love to hear about my kids enjoying each other, too. Your students are blessed to have you as their teacher. It's refreshing to hear that you enjoy these up and down teenagers! Blessings!
I love seeing my kids enjoying one another's company as they become young adults. As you said, it does my heart good!
Shakespeare was one of my favorite classes in high school, mainly because of the great teacher. I suspect YOU are the reason your kids are loving it so!
Have a good weekend, Laura.
I like that you listed teenagers. =D (Gives me hope for the future.) And I'm smiling about The Learning Process. I love finding lines that I want to use in regular life situations. That always does bring a smile to one's face. Particularly if you are their teacher, I would imagine.
Hope you have a great weekend!
GReat quote and love that two of the brothers are getting together. But teenagers? I guess middle schoolers would be worse but teens are always a challenge - thanks for reminding me of the positive side of that age group
Oh Laura, how I wish we could escape to a quiet corner together with a couple of books!! :) And I appreciate the teen sentiments as well as I'm enjoying my two teens so much right now (97% of the time, lol). And I'm adding your book recommendation to my (sigh) incredibly long list of books I'd like to read someday. :) It looks like a relatively easy "escape" type of book, so I might get to it sooner than some of the others.
Great quote. As for teenagers......well, we'll talk again in one or two years!!
Many blessings
I love reading for me it's book months the whole year, lol !
Ahh a quiet corner with a book, I love it! Just wish today wasn't going to be in high 70's and sunny here! I want cool, Fall weather for my quiet corner and book :P
What a great quote! I haven't touched my book pile in a couple of days, and I get cranky when I don't get any good reading into my day.
I applaud you for bringing King Lear to the reluctant ones. Now that I'm teaching my children the difference between writing, and writing well, I use Shakespeare often, And for being the Drama Club director. Of all my friends from High School, the ones from Drama Club are the ones who are still in my life.
I love reading about your boys! You must be so proud of therm!
Laura, I wish you had been my English teacher!!!
Oh yes, a quiet corner with a book, one of my favorite things to do :)
Hope you're having a wonderful long weekend :)
A corner with a book: definitely one of my favorites. I read your favorite summer read last year and really enjoyed it. My favorite read this summer was Tiger Lillie by Lisa Samson.
So nice that your adult children still enjoy each other's company and go out of their way to do things with each other.
I did not know it was Nat'l Book Month.....what a great excuse to find a quiet corner and read!
It's a good thing you love teenagers, since you spend all day every day with them. I bet you are one of the favorite teachers in your school! (the kids know that you enjoy them)
I also learned that this is National Book month from your FFF. I am on target then. I have read more these past 2 weeks than I have in the whole of last year. My fav read was The Legend Of Sleepy Hollow.
I think one reason I've been reading so much is because it has felt more stressful than normal. So I understand about the need to curl up in a corner with a book.
I enjoyed the posts at Kindred Hearts that you linked to.
I wish I could take a class with you as the teacher, Laura. I love your enthusiasm for the literature as well as for the students. If you ever teach an online class, please consider me signed up!
Yay for book month :-) I'm glad you've got your students thinking and even enjoying some of the lines in Shakespeare. It's great that you've got so much joy in teaching teens.
I know I am late to the Friday Fave party....but I just thought I would check some out this morning since it's been forever since I have participated.
As a high school teacher myself I can relate....being a HS teacher sure has it's up and downs. But I do love the good moments and love the kids too! And you must be a miracle worker getting the kids not to fear Shakespeare! :)
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