Can you name five blessings from your week? Susanne from Living to Tell the Story hosts Friday’s Fave Five each week. Click on over and see her if you’d like to join in!
1. A visit with my mom. I flew to Indiana and spent some time helping my mom decorate her house for Christmas. We ate and talked and cooked and just generally had a good time. Then we drove a couple of hours to see my oldest son, his wife, and Aiden! We got to hear my son preach Sunday morning, too. It was an awesome weekend.
2. A house ready for Christmas. Well, it’s not totally ready but it’s close…and it’s so nice. It looks nice, it smells nice, and the cookies are baking.
3. Two boys home! I wish it were four, but we do have to share sometimes… And we did have Thanksgiving all together. The younger two are here, and we’re enjoying them immensely.
4. Time. I don’t realize how busy my mind is until it has a break, and this week I’ve been reminded of how valuable a commodity time is. Creativity just doesn’t come without it. Oh, how I’m enjoying the gift of time right now.
5. A quote. It's familiar, but beautiful:
“Come, Thou long expected Jesus,
Born to set Thy people free;
From our fears and sins release us;
Let us find our rest in Thee.” (Charles Wesley)
Not just a babe in a manger, a sweet baby on a glittery Christmas card. Born to set us free, He releases us from our sins and fears, gives us rest.
How can this be – a babe sets us free? Born in an earthly stable, yet the King of all?
The impossibility of the Christmas story speaks hope into a dark world, Christ with us in the midst of the muck and the straw and the strife, both then and now.
Rejoice, the Light has come.

Oh your weekend sounds like it was wonderful..helping your mom and seeing your son and grandbaby!! How awesome to hear your son PREACH!! That must make you feel so proud!! I am loving having my daughter home and we get to keep her until January 16!! yeah! I'm also looking forward to the week off to enjoy TIME!!!!! Merry Christmas Laura...I love how you included the real Reason for the season! :)
i hope your break is restful and joyful, laura! i love that you get to hear your son preach!
Glad you got to visit with your mom and help with Christmas decorations! I was just thinking recently that when Our boys are gone it will be a lot harder to decorate -- I can understand now why some older people don't. I think I'll always do something in the way of decorating, even if it is not as full-scale as it is now.
We're having to share a son with his in-laws this year. Sad not to have everyone together, but as you said, the other side of the family needs them sometimes, too. :-)
I'm looking forward to some of that down time next week!
So glad you got to see Aiden, even if you can't share Christmsas with him. :(
But you got to hear your son preach! That is awesome!
Have a wonderful Christmas, Laura!
I'm glad you had such an awesome weekend! Hearing your son preach has to be a really great feeling!
I love the song "Come Thou Long Expected Jesus." It is definitely one of my favorites.
Merry Christmas to you! What a wonderful start you've bead already!
Bead? Lol. It should say "had". Silly iPad!
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