Winter is upon us here in Florida (brrr), even though most of you are wore flip flops for a day or two this week. Even though I had to relinquish free time and return to the job, I still have some favorites to write about.
How about you? Can you name five blessings from your week? Susanne from Living to Tell the Story hosts Friday’s Fave Five each week. Click on over to get the details and join us. It's a great way to get this new year going.
Here’s my list of favorites from this week:
1. Macaroni angels. This is the week I say goodbye to my Christmas tree. I do hate taking the tree down. But I love the reminiscing I do both as I put it up and take it down—looking at ornaments made years ago by sweet little hands. I wrote about that (and about our loss of power and water on Christmas Eve) here. I’m guessing some of you have macaroni angels, too…!
2. Lunchtime with friends. I hate saying hello to early mornings, but it is good to be back with my lunch bunch again. We talk, we laugh, we tell stories…I love eating lunch at school with my teacher buddies.
3. Having a college boy home. Again, the worst part is letting him go back! But it’s been great to have our youngest at the dinner table.
4. The second half of the year. I know, it’s the beginning of the calendar year, but as a teacher and student I’ve been conditioned for so long to think of the year differently! When I get a little weary in front of the classroom now, I can tell myself we’re halfway done—on the downhill side.
5. This quote:
A happy New Year! Grant that I
May bring no tear to any eye
When this New Year in time shall end
Let it be said I've played the friend,
Have lived and loved and labored here,
And made of it a happy year. (Edgar Guest)
I’m still feeling the newness of this year, savoring the freshness and promise of things to come. And when I read the last three lines of this little verse, I thought of my blog friends…and I wanted to share it with you.
Enjoy a week of living and loving!

Macaroni angels? How cute!!! I'll have to try those with my daycare kids next year for Christmas!! We have my husband's son home from College (this is the third week) and can I just say I'll be glad when college starts up this Monday? lol I love him but, well...teens!!
Hope you have a wonderful 2012!!
This morning Quinn (my 9 yr old) says, "Aren't you glad the earth is just the right distance from the sun?" Gotta love that. I'm thankful for those little comments that brighten a day!
I'm with Melanie, I'll be trying those macaroni angels next season! Having the college kids and moved away kids home is wonderful, isn't it?
I like your ending line: "Enjoy a week of living and loving." I wish you the same, my friend!
I remember macaroni crafts when I was a kid, but not with my kids.
It was great to have my oldest home Christmas weekend, but as you said, hard to send him back. This was maybe the hardest time except the first time he left.
As a parent I have always liked the second half of the year as well, knowing the end is in sight. Sure is hard to reset that alarm clock, though. With our youngest a senior, it's odd to think this is my last year of getting up to send someone off to school.
Now that would be very inconvenient to lose power and water on Christmas Eve! We were wondering around here because of some high winds. Lunchtime with friends sounds lovely.
Have a great weekend.
Ha! Enjoyed your post...I linked up for the first time yesterday...and then realized from your sidebar WHO you are. :) Your book has been highly recommended. I have two daughters and a son...
Great post!
I love the macaroni angels! We make some kind of ornament each year with the kids and those ornaments that cover my tree are my favorite. The fancy store bought ones are nice, but the memories and stories that come with those handmade ones are priceless!
Have a great week!
Like you, I don't feel like January is 'the new year'. That begins in September. So I totally get your 'second half' feeling. Kind of confusing huh?
Yes, it's lovely to spend time with our grown up kids. Enjoy him every minute!
Yes, macaroni angels are so precious. Mine have already grown past the adorable gifts and on to cooler ones. But, they still make things for me, and I hope they always will!
I'm not a morning person at all, but I would love a lunch bunch.. I do miss the camaraderie of my co-workers. I'm still friends with all the nurses I worked with on our crazy night shifts, and it's been almost 15 years!
I hope you have a wonderful week, and I hope the "too quiet" feeling in your house passes quickly.
SUch a cheerful list of FFF's.....I am also happy it's the 2nd half of the (School) year....we're finally in a good routine with my special ones....and yay for macaroni angels...so precious!!
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