Susanne from Living to Tell the Story hosts Friday’s Fave Five each week. Click on over to get the details and join us. Here are my favorites for this week.
1. Being home! This was my Spring Break, and it was great to be here and not be splitting my time and my self.
2. Having two boys at home. Our youngest son is home this week and Andrew (who’s with us as he recovers from the accident) really enjoyed having a brother around. It was great having both of them here.
3. Cooking for my family. I haven’t been able to do that in so long! We’re so thankful for those who have helped feed us, but it was nice to be able to cook a few favorites for the boys before I head back into the last nine weeks of school.
4. The last nine weeks of school. I sat down and planned it out this week. My classes lost some time while I was gone, so we won’t get as far as I usually do. But I keep telling myself, “That’s okay. It’s better than a sub.” Just can’t do it all right now. But only nine weeks until summer is pretty great.
5. This quote. One caveat – I may have used this quote sometime this fall…but it’s amazing how things take on even more meaning when you’re in the midst of a storm. I’d listen to songs I listen to every day and think, “Wow. That songwriter really gets it.” I would read verses I had read before, but their meaning would seem ten times richer. It’s the same with this quote. It has so much more meaning for me in light of early January 2012.
“In this crazy world, there’s an enormous distinction between good times and bad, between sorrow and joy. But in the eyes of God, they’re never separated. Where there is pain, there is healing. Where there is mourning, there is dancing. Where there is poverty, there is the kingdom.” (Henri Nouwen)
“In the eyes of God.” I feel like I’m getting just a glimpse through His eyes. We’re seeing healing where there’s pain, dancing where there’s mourning, and a kingdom in the midst of poverty.
Wishing you healing, dancing, and a glimpse of the kingdom this week.

so glad you got a break and can see the light at the end of the tunnel, schoolwise. continuing to pray for andrew.
Great post!
And thank you for sharing that quote! Wonderful (I may have to borrow it! wink)
Home is definitely always one of my fave. I like to quote Winnie the Pooh, "Home is the Comfiest Place to Be."
I'm glad you have time off right now. You definitely need a break! I hope Andrew is healing nicely.
God bless you!
Love the quote and your list. ONLY 9 weeks left?? wow that seems quick. Enjoy the rest of your week off!!
Yeah! So good to have you back my friend. Praying for Andrew. Go glad you have this time to breathe. And let's talk live soon, ok?
You only have 9 weeks left?? I'm jealous! our last day is last day is June 22 altho we might get out early since we only used 1 snow day!
So glad you had 2 of your boys home and got to do some special cooking for them. My small group lifted you and Andrew up last nite....and i love that quote...dancing (emotionally speaking) is not something I was doing in a struggle but God is FAITHFUL! and i know my soul will dance again soon! :)
I just grabbed a few minutes to get caught up on your life. WOW! It always amazing to see how one can continue to find God's blessings through difficult times. I'm encouraged while I read you book as I often have my young grandsons here and it's pure delights.
Take care, one thing I have learned is that it's hard to cut the umbilical cord...we love our sons to pieces no matter the age or the situation.
Love that quote! Wonder what other things God sees in a different way than we do. ok, I know, I know, a lot! But to say it like that quote is amazing. Happy vacation-what's left of it. Hug your boys for me.
I love how you are seeing God even in the midst of such a difficult time.
Home is the best place to be! And how nice that your youngest was able to be home and cheer his brother up.
So glad, Laura, to see your name/post in the linky lineup for Susanne's FFF.
I prayed that this past week's comments, the FFF blessings (and the ones you didn't share) continue to remind you of the love/support that continue to rain upon you all.
And that it helps keep you going until school is out.
The 9 weeks will probably fly by. I also prayed that you'd be satisfied with the progress your class makes this year. And that this turns out to be one of blessing for each student.
It sounds like your break came just in time. I'm glad you got to enjoy two of your boys, and restore your spirit a little bit.
I hope Andrew is continuing to heal, and grow strong, and that the next nine weeks pass by cheerfully.
What a perfect quote. It really is interesting to see how our perspective on things can change as our life and our experiences give us more to consider.
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