Who am I, really?
Big question. Most of us answer it with information about what we do.
“I’m a mom who stays home with my kids.”
“I work for a law firm downtown.”
“I’m a teacher, writer... (you fill in the blank).”
Stop and think for a moment. What would be your first answer to “Who are you?” What would you put after your name?
There’s nothing wrong with associating ourselves with our role, our activity. The problem comes when we attach all kinds of expectations and manmade plans to those roles.
When we buy into that, we settle for a small, narrow, limited vision.
Who knows better—thinks bigger—than we do? Who can really see the panorama of life? Our Creator.
When we try to control our lives and define ourselves by our own small expectations, all we succeed in doing is limiting God. And we miss His biggest and best blessings for us.
Sometimes we have plans. And they change. Life changes. So, how do we let go?
Think of life like a tapestry. When you look at the underneath of a beautiful piece of embroidery or a large tapestry, you see a hodgepodge of threads that shows no resemblance to the finished product. When you flip it over, however, you immediately recognize the image, you appreciate the beauty of the handiwork.
Realize that we often stare at the underneath of life. Only our Heavenly Father has the big picture, the panoramic view. He’s crafting the image from His perspective, and we don’t see what He sees.
We get so caught up in time – right here, right now. We expect things to happen on our timetable, our way, according to our expectations.
The words of C.S.Lewis remind us: “Our lives are rooted not only in time, but in eternity.”
When we realize the tapestry is best seen only from His perspective, we can turn our expectations over to Him.
You are my lamp, O Lord; the Lord turns my darkness into light.
With your help I can advance against a troop;
with my God I can scale a wall.
As for God, his way is perfect; the word of the Lord is flawless.
He is a shield for all who take refuge in him.
(2 Sam. 22:29-31)
So, bottom line…who am I really? What defines me?
I belong to Him.

Joining Laura, Jen, and Michelle with words from the heart.
Laura - This resonates with me, as I've been thinking about these questions a lot lately. In my struggle to get confident about "just" being a stay at home mom, I've come to realize that I've been defining myself by the wrong parameters. It's not about career choices; it is about how God is using me right now. Thank you for reminding me of that.
Well said. Now to live it daily.
I can relate so much to your beautiful post, Laura. I used to be a control freak (or perhaps until today. I just mellowed down a bit.) I'm easily frustrated when things don't go according to plan. That's because I wanted to be in control. I forgot that I'm not, but God is.
Right now I'm doing my best to surrender, let go, and let God. Thank you so much for reminding me to keep doing it.
Take care always and God bless, Laura! :-)
well written. We are NOT what we do; we are who our soul is held by. good thoughts today, Laura
"As for God, his way is perfect." I am struggling with changes so thank you for sharing this.
I love this post--amen and amen!
I love those verses, Laura. We are children of the King,....I do forget sometimes. Thanks for this uplift. :)
Love that C.S. Lewis quote! Great post. So true
Yes, I am a child of the King! I was always proud to be the daughter of Carl Cessna. But even more, the daughter of the King of Kings. Doesn't C.S. Lewis always hit the mark? Such encouraging and thoughtful words.
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