Wow...it's June! I don't know where the last six months went, but I'm sure looking forward to what's in store for the next six months.
My first week of summer has been a great one, and I'm linking up with Susanne at Living to Tell the Story to share with you today.
Here are my favorites for this week:
1. Breakfast with my hubby. I love to eat breakfast out, and it was so nice to have a little morning date yesterday.
2. Practice makes perfect. There’s a lot that goes into getting my son to physical therapy—putting the wheelchair in the back of the car, hauling it out and reassembling it, etc. Now that school is out, I'm the main chauffeur. The first PT appointment this week I was a little rusty, but by the second, the process was faster and a bit easier. Like so much in life.
3. Time for meat loaf. It’s my first official week out of school, and I’ve had time to cook a bit. Meat loaf can be time-consuming, and it was great to have time to make it. (And my husband was very happy, too.)
4. A new link up. Ann Kroeker writes a Curiosity Journal each week, and this week she asked readers to post along with her. She writes around these five words each week: Reading, Playing, Learning, Reacting, and Writing. I linked up this week, and it was fun. Why don’t you come along with us?
5. This quote:
“Sail by the stars, not the flotsam.” (Andrew Peterson)
This one was recommended to me by my son Andrew, who’s a big fan of Andrew Peterson. One reason I like it is the use of a great vocab word, flotsam (wreckage that remains after a ship has sunk). In addition, the sentiment is great. Keep your eyes on what’s above, not the wreckage here below. Love it.
Wishing you stars this week,

Photo credit: Creative Commons
Sounds like a great week, Laura.
Thanks for the definition of flotsam ... I always forget what it means.
And my favorite dinner is meatloaf (with baked potatoes and baked squash.)
What a great quote!
I don't usually like to wake up early enough to have breakfast out, but love it when I do.
Meat loaf is one of my favorite meals. I may just plan to get ingredients for that on the next grocery run.
Glad the physical therapy chauffeuring is going well.
I love breakfast out! I'll have to lay a little hint or two around here for this weekend.
I'm sure you'll be a pro in no time with the pt chauffeuring. A few routine trips and you'll be putting that chair up and down like nobody's business.
Yay for breakfast out with hubby!! one of my fave dates, too! and it sounds like a good week for you all around...that blog looks interesting. Especially liked seeing her book....i might have to look for that!! our frenzied family could use some tips I think for the next school year! lol....have a great weekend Laura!!
That is definitely a great quote. I love breakfast dates with my hubby, they don't happen nearly enough.
I hope your son continues to do well, and that it gets easier for all of you.
Have a good week.
It would never come into my mind to go out for breakfast, lol ! We both don't have any breakfast only coffee, but we eat at noon, which makes a brunch.
Breakfast out in your first vacation week. Sounds like perfection to me! Happy Sigh for summer break for you :)
Great quote--I'll look up Peterson. Also I love the phrase 'flotsam and jetsam'--so much fun to say aloud.
I can't believe 2012 is halfway either! Where does time go? Looks like you had a lot of quality time this week, time with your hubby, time to cook and spend time in the kitchen, heavenly, isn't it?
Yes, meatloaf -- what a good idea :-) I like the word flotsam (and jetsam, for that matter) in that quote to remind me of how much of "it" really is flotsam. Happy summer to you!
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