How do you move from ravaged to restored?
From hurt to healing?
From brokenness to blessing?
Moving from the familiar to the outrageous
He was esteemed in his world; he commanded respect. A glimpse at his arms, though, repelled most. Naaman, a commander inflicted with leprosy, found himself at a crossroads (2 Kings 5:1-15). Dare he follow a servant girl's suggestion and seek healing from a prophet?
What is restoration worth?
Dare I hold tightly to my stuff and my plans as I approach the throne, seeking wholeness?
From a place of loss...to eternal gain
Naaman heeds the suggestion and he rushes off to pack up. And what does he pack? Ten talents of silver, six thousand shekels of gold, and ten sets of clothing.
But Naaman's cure doesn't come as he expects. Elisha sends a messenger with the outrageous instruction to wash seven times in the Jordan. Naaman is angry that the prophet's instructions don't match his plans (2 Kings 5:11).
If our desire is to move away from a place of loss, it's helpful to realize:
- Our plans may not be His.
And all that packing Naaman did? After his healing, Elisha the prophet tells him, "I will not accept a thing" (vs. 16).
If we want to move from a place of loss to a place of real gain, we have to open our hands and understand:
- Our stuff's not important.
From brokenness to blessing. The only way there is with an open heart and open hands.
Surrendered to Him.
Joining Laura, Jen, and Michelle with words from the heart.
I know you know better than most that our plans may not be his and stuff's not important. Thank you for sharing your heart!
Laura, Thanks for reminding me that my plans may not be his plans. good post Loveyou Clella
Open heart/open hands ... ah, you nailed it.
{Melinda} Beautiful, Laura. I just had a conversation with God this morning, telling him I didn't know what His plans were for my writing, for my ministry, but that He would have to use my brokenness because that's all I have to give. So glad that he can make ministry out of our mess!
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