I love being a boy mom.
It’s true, I do. Oh, it took me awhile to get used to. The noise, the wrestling, the lack of pink—but what a blessing it’s been, really.
I have four sons. Yes, four. But I’m a survivor. My “boys” are young adults now, from 29 down to 20. (A boy, every three years.) The “baby” is in college, so I guess you’d say we have an empty nest for most of the year. (That was an interesting transition—from chaos to silence!)
I wrote about raising those four boys in I’m Outnumbered! One Mom’s Lessons in the Lively Art of Raising Boys. You can take a look by clicking on that little Amazon picture up to your left.
Why do I write? To encourage you; to inspire you. I remember what it was like to have a house filled with boys, in all its chaos, laughter, and wonder. I remember wishing for just a tiny bit of pink in the house from time to time. I remember wanting someone to shop with!
And I write for two other reasons:
Because I’ve found that saying to be true: “Once a mom, always a mom.” It doesn’t matter what age your “boys” are, you never cease being their mom in some way. You still pray for them, worry over them, and remember great and crazy times with them. No matter what their ages, we’re in this for the long haul. And…
You’re not just a boy mom. As consuming as mothering is right now, there’s something bigger at work here. You’re an image-bearer of the Father, created by His loving hands. Your spirit and heart and soul need nourishment. All that good stuff will spill over on your family when your heart is right with Him. And that’s when your mothering is the best.
So I write to encourage you in the midst of this mothering. The funny thing is, I get encouraged too as I write and as I hear from you!
I’m linking up today with The MOB Society for the Boy Mom Blog Hop. I’m an MOB Society writer, so if you join us you’ll see me over there, too. I thank you for visiting me today. Be sure to leave a comment so I can come by and see you. They’re giving away a couple of copies of my book, I’m Outnumbered, at the MOB Society, so be sure to click on over.
And come back! I’d love to see you again.

A beautiful post about boys. I only raised girls. And my adorable mom always said, "You are never done being a mom." She was an awesome one, too.
Hi Laura,
So glad to see you at the blog hop. I am also a mom of four boys. Mine are 2, 4, 6 and 8....and what a wild ride it is. I adore being a boy mom, but you know...they're exhausting as well. I've been following you and your incredible encouragement here for a while. Thank you so very much. I've also read your book and LOVED it. From one mom of four to another, I felt like you knew exactly what my heart feels being outnumbered by all these incredible boys.
Thank you for blessing my heart, Laura.
Blessings to you,
I am stopping by from the MOB blog hop (I'm still working through the list). I only have 2 boys who are still very little...but, yes, it is a wild ride. I imagined having at least one girl, too...but I wouldn't trade my boys for all the girls in the world. :) Blessings from Croatia: A Little R & R: www.littlerandr.org
Hi, so glad to meet you. Wow would I love to truly meet you in person. My boys just hit their teens an one is still a tween. I have prayed and prayed for this stage but nothing really prepared me for what we are going through with my oldest, (14) I guess in my mind I thought that because I was praying for them, homeschooling them, giving my all for them that they wouldn't go through the typical teen issues. I am struggling right now understanding them, making time to do things with them. Thankfully I am sporty and do play b-ball with them, games and things, but why is our oldest doing these things.he has a lying habit. He has just recently stolen from us and repeated it again today after we thought we had delt with it. A part of me feels like a failure. There I said it. Ido feel responsible in part. Trying to think of ways to help him now.we have read with thim, prayedwith him, disciplined him,. Now I just want to turn back the clock to when he was innocent.
Thanks for listening. I have been with MOB society for awhile now. Prayed through warrior prayers several times. But sure could use a friend who understands close by.
Dani Joy
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