One of my great loves is books, words, and the images created by them. Hang around for my last fave, a quote that celebrates just that.
I’m linking up today with Susanne at Living to Tell the Story for Friday’s Fave Five, where we recount the top five blessings of the week. Come join us!
My favorites for this week:
1. A cool snap! I know some of you are eagerly anticipating spring, and March represents that. But here in South Florida, the weather can be downright boring and devoid of seasons. I actually miss the winter and wearing my sweaters and jackets. We’re having a bit of a cool snap…cool enough to wear those sweaters. And I like it!
2. Getting my students’ rough drafts graded. I have about 88 students, therefore, 88 rough drafts. (For some, emphasis on “rough.”) It’s quite a task to get through them. And I try to give them as much help as possible so they can fix and create a great final paper. It takes a while. And I’m done! Now they’re working on making them works of art that will merit a great grade. (Then I’ll be grading again…)
3. Spring Break coming. One more week of school, and it will be Spring Break for us. One son is coming home—his break is the same as ours. Another is coming after Easter. We are so looking forward to having boys in the house.
4. Dr. Seuss. How magical his books are. They read themselves; they practically sing! His birthday is March 2, and today is being celebrated in schools as Read Across America Day, coordinated with his birthday. In the book doctor’s honor, I penned some lines. They lack his special magic, of course, but if you’re a book lover, you should click on over and take a look. (There's also a picture of Aiden there...)
5. A quote:
“Between the pages of a book is a lovely place to be.” (anonymous, as far as I could tell)
If you’ve been here before, you know I always feel this way…but with Read Across America Day, I felt this was particularly apropos.
Between the pages of a book is truly lovely to me!
Wishing you lovely moments this week,

Photo credit
A friend who is a preschool teacher has been posting Dr. Seuss related snacks all week on Facebook, but I didn't make the connection -- I guess I just thought they were in a unit of Dr. Seuss! I'm glad to know about Read Across America Day!
As much as I dislike winter, I do like a bit of cool weather sometimes. Glad you had a cool breeze to wear those sweaters in!
I can't imagine all that grading!
And I agree with the quote!
Yours is the first blog I've read that's celebrating a cold snap rather than spring flowers. :-)
Happy birthday to Dr. Suess! My girls are older now but his books were surely household treasures for years...
I feel ya, Laura, on the cold weather! We have 2 seasons don't we? Summer and almost Winter lol It's been cold here too and I love it!
So glad you got all the rough draft finished!
We'll be taking a break too and we'll be at the beach! BTW-We'll be close to ya. :)
Love the quote! I love reading,so do my boys. Have a blessed weekend!
Well done, Laura, on your "Seuss-like" poem. I enjoyed it very much. I'm sure the hero Aiden will appreciate it much when he is older.
God bless you on all that grading! 88 rough drafts seem quite a lot!
Love the quote - and I've spent many a lovely hour between the pages of a book, too.
love all your faves! and at the school where i teach we are having a Seuss-a-palooza week...all book themes from Dr Seuss, activities, etc. should be fun! In fact on WEd we even have to dress like the cat in the hat :) i love books too....they are soooo important and I hope every child exciting that you will have some sons home! enjoy your weekend.
I love your book theme for the week. I am very much a Dr. Seuss fan and was sharing him with my youngest son just yesterday at the bookstore. I also did not know it was Dr. Seuss' birthday. That explains all the books being on display!
I love sweater weather, too. We get A LOT of it up here. *lol*
Have a lovely week!
We get lots of sweater weather around here! If I could box it and send ya some I would. ;v)
My kids enjoyed some Dr. Suess and some, not so much.
Yikes, 88 rough drafts of high schoolers papers. You deserve a medal.
It's always fun to look forward to a break and reunions with our children. Love the quote! Hope your weekend is going well!
From one book lover to another,
I don't understand people who say "I don't read". That's like saying, "Oh, yes, I don't breathe. I just don't have time!:
Wow. That is a lot of rough to get through. Hope your students really benefit from your careful attentions to help shape their writing.
I know what you mean about getting excited about a cold snap. We do get cool evenings so the sweaters do get used. And then, of course, there's my freezing office!
Enjoy your spring break!
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