Who wants a broken heart?
Stay tuned for my fave number five, and the quote that sheds a little light on that.
I’m linking up today with Susanne of Living to Tell the Story for Friday’s Fave Five, where we list blessings from the week.
Won’t you join us?
Here are my favorites from this week:
1. Lunch with friends. This fave is really from last week, but I had too much to say last week so I saved it! I had lunch with two friends last week, and we had such a great time. Thankful, as always, for friends.
2. Helpful ones. This week I discovered two incredibly helpful individuals. One, a nurse, is simply a godsend as I try to help my elderly mom from long distance. The other is a technical whiz! Not only that, she’s great at explaining and teaching, so you really “get” what she’s showing you.
**A late-breaking fave I just have to add as a bonus: I awoke to a sweet message on my author Facebook page today, thanking me for my book. Another boy mom, Chelsea of Moments a Day, posted 10 Ways to Embrace Being a Boy Mom today and she included a link and a shout out to I'm Outnumbered. I love hearing from readers! Thanks, Chelsea.
3. A book. I finished Daisy Chain by Mary DeMuth last weekend, and immediately went in search of the next title in the series. I couldn’t find it at any of the local libraries, so to Amazon I went. Can’t wait for it to come in the mail. I love the way she has crafted characters who are not one-dimensional, who are like us, flawed but striving.
4. Good news for the adoption fund. My eldest son and sweet daughter-in-law are adopting a child from India, and it is costly. Their church baked and baked and baked and helped them host an Adoption Bake Sale last weekend. They sold all the goodies and did SO well. Most of all, the support from their church family, many of whom came and helped them sell, was so encouraging. You can read about it here, and there's even a picture!
5. A quote:
“Let my heart be broken with the things that break the heart of God.” (Robert Pierce, Founder of World Vision)
We live in a fallen world, full of heartbreak. Unfortunately, that's not always our reaction. When I ask what my reaction to something or someone should be, this quote echoes in my mind. If my heart breaks as does His, my reaction will be one full of love.
Wishing you a week in which you share some love,

A beautiful quote Laura - it reminds me of Brook Fraser's song "Hosanna" The bridge goes "Break my heart for what breaks Yours - everything I am for Your Kingdom's cause"
Unfortnately our library doesn't carry that book - but I'm going to suggest they purchase it. I did order The Muir House also by DeMuth. Hoping it's good too.
So glad the bake sale went well for you son and dil.
And yay for good friends and helpers!
Many blessings
That is such a good quote. I saw it once on FB and was so moved by it. Sounds like you had a lovely week. I'm adding that book title to my ever growing list! Oh....and the app I just started using for personal Bible study is Youversion. I LOVE it!! Super easy to use too! I like the various reading plans many of which are by Evangelicals like Beth Moore, Billy Graham, focus on the family, etc enjoyed your FFF and have a wonderful weekend
We had lunch with some friends/family last night. It's always great!
That's great about your son and DIL! How wonderful to have people of God to help out others in the body of Christ.
I thought of the same song, Kathie. I love that song and the quote is so true. May we all have hearts that are broken for what God is broken for.
Have a great weekend,Laura!
I always smile when I read your Friday faves! i'm thankful for beach time this week....
Wonderful to get a nice shout-out and also to be able to spend time with friends! That's the best.
Great quote Laura. I had heard it attributed to someone else so glad to know who said it first.
Could be a dangerous prayer too.
A quote to definitely think on and ask God to do in our hearts.
What a relief to have a good nurse to communicate with when you are far away from your mom!
I have never read one of Mary's books but she has been on my list forever. I'll have to get to her soon!
Laura, Our pastor (for the India trip) prayed that for us, for our hearts to be broken for what breaks God's heart. I have to admit that I am a little nervous about this happening.
That is soooo exciting about how successful the adoption bake sale was. God is surely in these details. :)
BTW - Our (India Fundraising) yard sales yielded the most money especially when we were able to add on a car wash as well.
Have a great week,
I don't think I have ever read anything by Mary DeMuth but I have seen her name a lot. Will have to look up one of her books!
So glad the adoption bake sale went so well.
Truly helpful people are such a blessing.
That is a great quote.
I love that quote and hope I can live up to it. Right now, I'm reading Unfinished by Richard Stearns, Bob's successor at World Vision. Great book!
Oh, another book for me to look up and read! I don't know Mary DeMuth.
Hurray for the adoption bake sale!
Have a great weekend!
Great post with great last paragraphs! Love it. I think that's the fact of life. Heart breaks is part of our lifetime. We will learn something from it for sure.
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