Can you name five blessings from the past week? Friday’s Fave Five, hosted by Susanne from Living to Tell the Story, is a perfect way to share your blessings. Go visit her to read all about it.
Here are five blessings from my week.
1. A beautiful musical – Our students are producing The King and I this weekend, and the first performance was just beautiful. These kids have incredible voices and a desire for excellence. They inspire me! And I do love Rodgers and Hammerstein.
2. Shared plans and goals – My hubby and I are far too busy right now, with writing, grading, the musical, projects, work…but it’s nice that we share the same sentiment. We know this is temporary and we’re getting through it, but we’ve both expressed we don’t like being so pushed that our time together is limited. It’s like we’re holding hands, taking a deep breath, and jumping across the chasm of the next two weeks in tandem – and anticipating the peace of the other side.
3. My students – They’re the reason I teach. This week I’ve seen hearts that are wounded at home spill over with joy and peace in an atmosphere of Christ’s love. I’ve seen pride on the faces of kids who dreaded every minute of research, as they proudly handed in rough drafts. I love these kids.
4. A family of integrity – You don’t run across people like this every day. I know a dear family that is such an example, and they’ve lived that recently for all those around them. They have evident faith in God and love for each other, and when they’re pressed in on every side, they take the high road. What a blessing!
5. A good book to read aloud – You might think high school sophomores don’t like to be read to, but we’re reading a Christian historical novel, much of it in class. I love to see them scouring the book as I do the voices, or see their eyes riveted on me as I read. It’s worth every second to think they might be inspired to immerse themselves in a novel themselves in the future, or at least appreciate a good story with a noble message.
Those are my blessings. Leave a comment and share your blessings, too.
Have a great weekend!
Here are five blessings from my week.
1. A beautiful musical – Our students are producing The King and I this weekend, and the first performance was just beautiful. These kids have incredible voices and a desire for excellence. They inspire me! And I do love Rodgers and Hammerstein.
2. Shared plans and goals – My hubby and I are far too busy right now, with writing, grading, the musical, projects, work…but it’s nice that we share the same sentiment. We know this is temporary and we’re getting through it, but we’ve both expressed we don’t like being so pushed that our time together is limited. It’s like we’re holding hands, taking a deep breath, and jumping across the chasm of the next two weeks in tandem – and anticipating the peace of the other side.
3. My students – They’re the reason I teach. This week I’ve seen hearts that are wounded at home spill over with joy and peace in an atmosphere of Christ’s love. I’ve seen pride on the faces of kids who dreaded every minute of research, as they proudly handed in rough drafts. I love these kids.
4. A family of integrity – You don’t run across people like this every day. I know a dear family that is such an example, and they’ve lived that recently for all those around them. They have evident faith in God and love for each other, and when they’re pressed in on every side, they take the high road. What a blessing!
5. A good book to read aloud – You might think high school sophomores don’t like to be read to, but we’re reading a Christian historical novel, much of it in class. I love to see them scouring the book as I do the voices, or see their eyes riveted on me as I read. It’s worth every second to think they might be inspired to immerse themselves in a novel themselves in the future, or at least appreciate a good story with a noble message.
Those are my blessings. Leave a comment and share your blessings, too.
Have a great weekend!

Carrie @
Its easy to think of all the stressful things this week, but youve reminded me to think of Gods wonderful care and provision for me and my family. Beautiful post!
My blessing-was the wonderful fellowship at the writers conference. And that's at least 4 blessings right there. :)
I just came through a week and a half like that -- so busy, you just keep putting one foot in front of the other til it's over. Such a relief to get to the other side!
The musical sounds great! And you sound like a wonderful teacher.
Sounds like you have a buys life right now. How neat to hear that your students are enjoying the historical fiction book! A good book can make all the difference in the world.
Your life sounds full but satisfying. I applaud your work with high school sophomores. Not an easy bunch, but it sounds like they love YOU!
The King and I... a classic and a fav. Take pics and post them here!
Blessings, e-Mom
Blessed marriages have some of the characteristics you described in no. 2 - it's good to read that. Congratulations on your work with your students. Books, music and good attitude - what a bright corner in the world you have!
I enjoy musicals. How fun to get to attend one.
So neat that you read to your highschool students. I can almost picture their eager faces. That is so great!
What a wonderful list of blessings! How great that your students love to hear a book read aloud! I didn't realize teenagers would like that.
I love that you read to your High School kids. That would be my favorite too. I taught for many years.
I loved reading your week of blessings.
I think it's awesome that you and your hubby can relate to one another in what you are going through and are there for each other realizing it's a temporary thing.
The King and I sounds like it will be awesome. How old are your students?
It sounds like you have had a wonderful and busy week. It's nice to have your husbands hand to hold on to when life gets hectic.
Hi Laura, thanks for the comments!
Two weeks will go by's awesome that you guys are so in sync though! Good luck!!
Blessings on your upcoming week.
Love the blessings you listed for this week, especially this image: "It's like we're holding hands, taking a deep breath, and jumping across the chasm of the next two weeks in tandem..."
Love you*
I enjoyed reading about your week and the obvious joy you have in working with your husband and working with your students. I'm sure you are a blessing in the kingdom of God!
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