The First Official Week of Summer: Friday's Fave Five

June 18, 2010Time to look back at the blessings of the week. Thanks to Susanne at Living to Tell the Story for hosting this each week. Jump on over if you’d like to join in.

This has been the first official week of summer, and this teacher has enjoyed every minute of it. Here are some highlights.

1. The master griller. My dear hubby gladly grilled the other night. When he has the grill fired up, he likes to do it all, so he grilled hot dogs for quick lunches, steak for dinner, and chicken breasts – enough for two meals. We’ll have chicken this weekend and I’ll freeze the rest for a quick meal. I love it when he shares the work, and it tastes great, too!

2. Progress on my novel. I’ve been working on my novel-in-progress, and I’m happy to have made progress. I pretty much have tunnel vision right now and am splitting my time between my blog and the novel. I’m loving the tale – hope the publisher does…

3. My iPod. I broke down and got an iPod Touch. This was a concession as I own no Apple products, being partial to PC, particularly Dell. I had a number of gift cards from Christmas and end-of-the-year teacher gifts, and a store had a great deal. When I realized I could check my email on the thing (without paying the fee my phone service requires) and we could use it to play music in the car on vacation, I was pretty much sold. My son is still setting it up for me, though…

4. Time, time, time.
The summer luxury of time for this teacher is SUCH a blessing. I’m loving it.

5. Wise words from Augustine. One of the blessings of time is the chance to read, read, read. And I have. I’ve heard this quote before but read it again this week and was reminded of how I love it. In the first paragraph of his Confessions, Augustine addresses God thus:

You made us for Yourself, and our heart is restless until it rests in You.

I’ve rested in Him…and then I’ve taken the reins back from time to time. Then my restless heart drives me once again to the One in whom real rest is found. And He’s always there – full of grace, with arms open wide.

Hope you had a great week. I’d love to hear about it!

Happy Friday!


Melissa said...

Sounds like a terrific week! I especially like #5 on your list. I tend to do that, too, and I'm so thankful that God always takes me back.

Jenny said...

As a teacher, I can appreciate your joy in the first week of summer! I have been out of school since May 28th, but have been traveling on school related business since May 31st! Next week is my first real week of summer and I can't wait to make the most of it.

Lisa notes... said...

Glad you are already enjoying your summer break. It is definitely a perk of being a teacher! Yummy…we need to fire up our grill this weekend—you’re making me hungry for grilled food. Good for you in working on your novel! I have no iPod either; maybe one day. I’m sure I would love it. I just last week finally upgraded on a phone and my family is thrilled that I am texting at last. Ha.

Time—one of my favorite things is having “extra” time. Enjoy yours! Sounds like you're putting it to good use.
Have a blessed weekend!

Anonymous said...

I call my husband the master griller, too. Love when he does that! Mmmmm...

I'm glad you got some good work done on your novel.

I haven't ventured into any "i" products yet, but I've thought about the portability of being able to listen to music while housecleaning in any room. I don't know if I could stand an earpiece or headphones, though.

You know, I have a "Week In Words" meme on Mondays for quotes from reading. :-) I've never read Augustine, but I hope to some day, and I can identify with that truth.

Laura O in AK said...

Found your blog through the Fave Five linky this week (after posting mine there.) I'm happy to find another mom of 4 boys.

An iTouch is on my list of 'wants' so we can do more on the go.

We're on summer break here, too. Only as I homeschool the boys I don't get the same kind of break.

Faith said...

sounds like you had a great week. I have THREE more days of teaching and then I AM DONE....already have plans for a lake day one week from today!

Love that quote from Augustine...thanks for sharing it!!
Have a Happy Weekend....I know we are gonna be grilling since weather supposed to be gorgeous here in NYS!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great first week of vacation.

Summer vacation for my kids starts today, and I am looking forward to having some TIME. No homework, no carpools, no activities. I can't wait... well, until the four kids start driving me crazy, probably next week!

ellen b. said...

Summer breaks are so great for teachers. Enjoy, enjoy! I love it when my husband grills!! Have a great weekend.

Victoria said...

Happy Summer!
What a great list this week! I always thought it was nice that teachers got some time off during the summer, considering how hard they work during the year.

Karen said...

Yeah, Laura, what a good week. You deserve it! Enjoy and all the blessings, too!

Anonymous said...

Yes indeed, Yipee for summer break! And I echo your sentiment of time, time, time! Looking forward to reading this summer also.
Praise God for summer! :)

BTW, I have an iPod touch and I do love it! I got it when my dad used my teacher discount to get a new Mac computer.....He had no need for the iPod. :)

Willow said...

Oh yes, summer break! I love it too! St Augustine's quote is deep, obvious, convicting and comforting all at the same time.

Mary said...

I love it when my husband or youngest son grills! Less work for me and the kitchen stays cooler!

TXDidi said...

You will love your iTouch. I started with one and then progressed to an iPhone and I love it, too. Passed my iTouch on to my daughter-in-law who is now using it in Asia. Have a great week.

Anonymous said...

Glad you are getting some rest, Laura. And that your husband is pitching with the grilling :-) I love the iPod Touch -- and especially for the reason you state: checking email accounts quickly and easily. Don't forget the weather and listening to internet radio like Pandora.... Enjoy your summer!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

It happens to me gradually, when I take the reins from God. I hardly even notice I am doing it until I realize I have no idea where I am going. And, happily He brings me right back into His grace.

Rebecca Ramsey said...

What a good week!
One of my favorite things? That I connected with you!

Susanne said...

Love that quote and your closing comments. So so true. True rest really only resides with Him.

Sounds like your summer is off to a wonderful start. I must admit I'm a bit jealous of all my blogging buddies that get the summer off. :v)

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