The teacher (and multi-tasker) in me is always looking for a lesson.
But once we’re in the “mom mode,” we often miss life’s daily lessons.
We’re in the zone – with laundry to do, bandaids to apply, tears to wipe, fights to settle. Blinded by the banal, we miss the profound lessons our kids have for us.
It’s easy to see how these apply to our children. Take a moment to consider how they can apply to you, Mom.
Our infants remind us:
Be real! Cry if you need something and laugh if something tickles your fancy.
Trust the One who’s holding you.
Toddlers and preschoolers encourage us to:
Never stop asking questions.
You may feel bad about taking a nap, but in the end it’s a good thing.
Elementary-age children prompt us to remember:
Everybody should read under the covers with a flashlight once in a while.
It really IS what’s on the inside that’s important.
“As iron sharpens iron, one man sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17
Be careful who (and what) you spend time with.
So, look around, Mom, and then look in the mirror. Take a moment to remind yourself to:
Be real.
Trust God.
Keep asking questions.
Nap once in awhile.
Enjoy a good book.
Look past the mirror.
Surround yourself with people who encourage you.
What have your kids taught you lately?

Hi Laura,
You visited my site - Light the World - www.lighttheworld.net.
You commented that you are interested in our on line book club. We are piloting our first club this summer with two groups. One on prayer and one on the book, Chasing Superwoman.
We hope to highlight more books in the fall.
You did not leave an email address. Please send me an email so we can discuss the book club!
Love this post! I learn a lot from my kids...when I stop and pay attention. Last week it rained for days, and the mud... well you saw the pictures. Sometimes you just need to stop and play in the mud! Saturday morning my daughter was out there in her jammies, just anxious to go and get dirty. Loved it!
I would add don't forget to smile. There is a real uplifting power to smiling, even forcing a smile to brighten life's moments. Too often we focus on our to-do lists and forget to enjoy the little moments with our kids. Thanks Laura!
My son has taught me to listen more closely. He's very analytical and talkative and thinks about everything.
Thanks for dropping by. Enjoying reading your blog.
Great post! those are all really good lessons for moms and for kids. Thanks for the reminder.
Great post, Laura!
I would add to your list: "Don't be afraid to say what you think!
My youngest teaches this to me daily. It's produced some gray hairs (mine) but I know he's right!
PS I've added you to my blog roll and look forward to more posts!
My kids are teaching me to slow down this summer! Thanks for the post. And good to see you've connected with Ann (my airport buddy).
Thanks Laura for visiting my blog and your sweet comment! Still working on letting the hurt words go...in another day or two, I will be better.
I love this post! Very cute and true! (Now I don't feel so guilty about the nap I took today ;)
Thanks for your note! I'm pregnant and due in November and I'm just positive it will be another boy LOL. Glad to see a mom with 4 boys who is still alive ;)
I'm going to follow you and can't wait to come back to read more!
Hi Laura! Thanks for popping over to my blog and commenting! I love this post-- there are teaching moments in every day and you captured these brilliantly. Look forward to your book, too! I'll be back :)
I think this is my favorite post that you've put up yet. It's really sweet, and so true.
Awww...thanks, Victoria. Favorite post so far, huh? That's sweet! Hope the sickness in your house is all gone!
Hi Laura,
I finally got around to checking out your blog. I have two that are somewhat overlapping: bug & bud mamazboys.blogspot.com
this one mostly deals with my family life and somewhat with the tragic death of my brother; I have since devoted a separate blog solely to my brother's mysterious death. this one is mtgreenpatch.blogspot.com
I like your perspectives.
Hi Laura! Thanks for dropping by to say hello on my blog. I have to just say YES YES YES you are totally right on about what our kids teach us!
I see you are a MOB (Mom of Boys). Have you read The MOB Society blog yet? www.themobsociety.com you should check it out!
I don't have time now but I'll be back to read more. Thanks again for saying hello-- and if you have the slightest urge, you should join the Bible in 90 Days gals. I promise you won't regret doing it! :)
Hi Laura! Thanks for stopping by my blog today and leaving such a thoughtful comment! I want to second Dawn's urging to check out www.themobsociety.com! It sounds like your experiences in raising 4 boys would add great insight to the conversations we're having on the blog! Congratulations on your book! I'd love to read it when it comes out!
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