Friday's Fave Five

July 16, 2010
I'm back!
Some of you may have noticed I missed Friday's Fave Five last week, but I'm back in the groove for this week.

You'll see there were good reasons to miss posting last week. I was so incredibly with family, friends, travel, reading and inspiration that I had no time to think about this thing called the computer. I didn't visit you and comment as much as usual, and I missed reading all your news, so I'm glad to be back.

Time to look back at those blessings. Thanks to Susanne at Living to Tell the Story for hosting this each week. Be sure to visit Susanne if you’d like to join in.

Here are the blessings of my week:

1. Visits with friends and family. We got to see both in the last couple of weeks, and it was great. A highlight of the family time was the Chicago Museum of Science and Industry. We spent all day there and barely scratched the surface. The group ranged from two-year-old twins to grandparent types, and a good time was had by all!

2. Sharing the beauty of adoption. A couple we know has adopted the sweetest little boy from Ethiopia. A couple of months ago they moved back North, and we've missed them. Seeing them and their sweet little boy was great fun. Hearing the stories of adoption and seeing the blessing in their lives is just awesome.

3. The diverse beauty of the countryside. We drove on our trip, and seeing the countryside change is such a treat. The huge, beautiful trees are such a departure from our palm trees. The trees, different grasses, variety of flowers that thrive in different climates...all testify to our Creator's creativity!

4. My brain on travel. I talked about this last time I wrote an FFF post. My brain was still on travel most of this week, and I came home with two new book ideas -- one is outlined!

5. A quote...or two. The first one is kind of heady, but so beautiful. Dante Alighieri's Inferno has left us such beautiful, thoughtful imagery. As Dante journeys on and nears Paradise, he says:

“But my own wings were not enough for this...
Here vigour failed the lofty fantasy:
But now was turning my desire and will,
Even as a wheel that equally is moved,
The Love which moves the sun and the other stars.”

His own strength was not enough; vigor failed his fantasy. But his desire and will were turned much like a wheel is, by the Love which moves the sun.

When we falter, the One who is love, who moves the sun and stars, moves us as well.

My second quote made me chuckle. Most of you know what a reader I am, so I hope you enjoy it!

St. Thomas Aquinas wrote, "Beware the man of one book."

Hope your week was a lovely one. Looking ahead to more blessings!


Diane said...

Yeah, for new book ideas!!! :O)

Jerralea said...

Love that Aquinas quote!

I love traveling the country, too. We are so blessed to live in a beautiful land like America! I'm so glad God gave us diverse climates to enjoy. How boring if everything was the same!

Karyn said...

Just the fact that you were too busy enjoying life to be a the computer to write about it is the best blessing!

But I'm glad you're back this week. :)

I also laughed at the last quote - and agree wholeheartedly.

The last line of the first quote injected hope and joy to my heart when I read it. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

We all need time away from the computer some times. Glad you have some good visits and experiences!

You should link these quotes for the Week In Words meme on Monday! :-)

Victoria said...

I think this is my favorite of your FFFs yet. I love the quotes! And traveling is really wonderful, especially when you're thoroughly prepared and able to just relax. I'm glad you had fun and even more glad you're home safely.

Karen said...

Wow, already have that book outlined? You are too good, dear friend! Can't wait to hear about it.

Unknown said...

great things!
I love driving through scenic places, seeing different countryside than what I'm accustomed to seeing.

Faith said...

Great quotes!
so glad you had a wonderful time with family and friends! a friend of mine also just adopted a little boy from Ethiopia back in March. He has really blessed their's so special when prayers are answered.
Loved your list....have a great weekend! and thanks for your encouraging comments about my post on trust and peace! :)

Susannah said...

Love that... beware the man of one book. You always have the most tweetable quotes! ღ

Lisa notes... said...

Love your quotes, as always. I laugh also with “Beware the man of one book.” I’ll have to remember that one. {smile} Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

It's amazing to be away from the computer isn't it? Like another life altogether when you return. Welcome back :-) And thank you for that beautiful Dante quote. I may borrow it soon.

Laurie Wallin said...

Hi there! I've just found your blog and I'm thrilled to: a) read your encouraging and humorous words, and b) know there is balance in the universe since I'm raising four daughters :). Glad to meet you, my fellow outnumbered mom!


Susanne said...

I always think you have to live life in order to blog so even though we missed you last week, I absolutely think you chose the good thing. Time with family and friends is precious.

Love the "Beware the man of one book". LOL.

Amy Sullivan said...

"When we falter, the One who is love, who moves the sun and stars, moves us as well." Great quote. I haven't heard it before.

marlece said...

first time over here to visit you and I would say we have a very common thread. I am a Momma of four boys myself. So look forward to reading more!

Gattina said...

I loved Chicago as city, it has such a beautiful architecture!

Melinda said...

Hi Laura!
Yea! New book ideas! I'm still working on my first book -- I'm taking the proposal (only partially done) to She Speaks and am hoping to meet with some authors and publishers and get some feedback/direction.

We're headed for Chicago in a few days ... maybe we'll hit the museum (if I can talk the kids into it. They hear "museum" and think "bor-ing"! ;0)

Hope the inspiration keeps coming -- love the quote at the end!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Sounds like a busy but wonderful week. Don't you just love summer!

Lindsay said...

I love travelling through the country as well. We moved 5500kms (3000mi) 3 times and loved seeing the diverse scenery throughout the whole of Canada!

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