Welcome! I missed out on Friday’s Fave Five last week because we were traveling … leaving a boy at college. It’s good to be back with friends. Be sure to visit Susanne at Living to Tell the Story to join in with us. Here are my favorites this week.
1. The handwritten word. In an age of electronic everything, isn’t it nice to come across a handwritten note? I got a sweet note in the mail early this week from a writer friend. Its contents were dear, and the handwriting cried, “I’m from the heart!” And that's not all -- I’m teaching a ninth grade class this year, and I haven’t done that for a while. A couple of dear friends taught freshmen before me, and they left notebooks full of resources. Leafing through them and finding their handwriting made me miss them terribly. There’s just something about the handwritten word…
2. Friday’s Fave Five. FFF is such a blessing to me! When I miss it, I really miss it! And as several of you have noted, even when things seem less than the best, it’s such a blessing to look for the gold amid the dross. Susanne, I’m so glad you host this each week!
3. Safe travel. After leaving the boy at college, we had two eight-hour days on the road. I’m thankful for safe, uneventful travel. I was surprised how easy it was with only two drivers.
4. Two boys in one spot. I can’t tell you what a blessing it was to leave one son with another! I never dreamed our youngest would choose the college his brother is attending, but it’s been great. They’re there for each other, but they have the distance they need, too – and it’s been good for Mom’s heart!
5. A quote about what we consider the mundane.
"The ordinary acts we practice every day at home are of more importance to the soul than their simplicity might suggest." (Thomas Moore)
Sometimes it all seems so mundane – the day in and day out of daily living. But none of it is – we’ve simply lost sight of the wonder of it all. I love that word – wonder. May I always remember how full of wonder life is!
Here's hoping you have a "wonder-full" week.

Excellent point about finding the wonder in the ordinary!
I agree about the handwritten word. While I appreciate the ease and immediacy of email communication, nothing replaces a handwritten letter.
I so love getting "real" mail. Holding a letter that someone else held and sent to me means a lot. :O)
Receiving a handwritten letter or a postcard is something wonderful, indeed. I can never get myself to throw them away and I love to read them over and over again, even years later.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Love that quote and your words.....and how absolutely marvelous that both of your sons are at the same college. I really enjoy your email posts that come each Monday and I enjoy visiting here. I was wondering if I could ask you to keep me in prayer as I start up a small group (begins 9/23) for moms of tweens/teens. I plan on referring 2 friends of mine, who only have boys, to read your book.....I hope you don't mind! Blessings to you!!
You described well what I meant about my faves this week. I'm so with you about FFF. Two boys in one spot is just great. I wish I could receive a handwritten something one more time before we all go totally electronic. Happy weekend!
Two boys in one place! That's so wonderful! I'm sure that made it lots easier to say goodbye.
I love real mail too. I save it in a special box and take it out when I need a lift.
Happy weekend, Laura!
I love e-mails and texts, and the fact that I hear from some of my extended family more than I did when we didn't have them, but there truly is something about the handwritten note that makes it a real treasure.
That's wonderful that two boys were in the same college. My oldest and middle sons were the year one was a senior and one was a freshman, and it was great for us and for them.
there is something about handwritten notes - for me they are more personal.
I'm happy for you that your boys are at the same college and that your trip to drop them of was a safe one.
What a great week you had.
I'm so glad that you enjoy FFF. And there have been plenty of days and weeks where it has helped me find good things among the hard too!
How blessed that you have two boys at one college. That is definitely a relief as a mom knowing that they are there for each other.
Yes, it is very nice to get a handwritten note! I have a friend who is excellent to send out sweet cards with her own notes added. They always bless me.
That’s a long drive! Thankful you made it safely, and that your boys are together.
Love the quote. I’m going to borrow it to tweet. :-)
You always have such an uplifting attitude, Laura; I love visiting your blog.
love the fact that they are both going to college together at the same school how precious.
I also know what you mean about hand written letters I do not think that I have received one in a very long time and they always mean so much
I love handwritten notes too, and can't throw them away. I just recently cleaned out a filing cabinet and purged 3 of the 4 drawers. The 4th drawer had all kinds of cards and letters and I couldn't throw them away!
I echo your thoughts about the wonder of day to day living. It's so very special and often we don't see it until we no longer have certain aspects of it. That is one reason why I'm passionate about the family table - soon the children are gone and you will be eating alone. Celebrate eating with your family as long as you can!
Hey sister, you and the book are featured on my blog today! Yippee! Thanks so much for the opportunity...and I really enjoyed your book.
I love that quote, it is so true. Have a great day!
Food for Thought
I have a great aunt who has always been so good at sending a hand written note... made my day and just warmed my heart to receive that. Its my greatest treasure of her.
I completely agree about the handwritten word... so lovely :)
Another good set of "faves." I treasure the handwritten notes that I have saved. Yes, we should enjoy the sameness sometimes, too. Have a great weekend.
Welcome back! Wonderful faves. That really is great that your boys are at the same college. A letter/note in the mail is really a treat. Right now that is the only way my daughter can communicate with her boyfriend who is at boot camp and I'm so happy that she gets to experience this wonderful lost art!!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Beautiful fff post once again. I love your way with words Laura and the fact that you use meaningful quotes at the end of each fff.
I think you would enjoy Kathleen Norris's books:
~Amazing Grace: A Vocabulary of Faith
~The Quotidian Mysteries: Laundry, ~Liturgy and "Women's Work."
Acedia and Me
Glad your boys are settling in college life together.
How is Mom with all the adjustments?
And the back to school?
Trusting all is well.
Thank you for sharing,
How great that you have two sons at the same school. What a blessing (and timesaver) that will be and what an encouragement they can both be to each other. That sounds like it was a "God-thing" as we say out here. Have a great week.
The wonder of daily living:
Asking for our daily bread.
Encouraging one another daily.
Taking up our cross daily.
And following Him.
Oh, the wonder of each day of life!
Sweet dreams.
p.s. Wish I had known that I was in your neck of the woods...would love to have had lunch with you. Maybe next time.
There is just something about getting something in the mail, handwritten, just for you. What a treasure that is.
I say ditto to every one of your faves. I too really enjoy doing the FFF every week and then reading everyone else's. And having kids in the same school--that's GREAT!
I am not happy with handwritten things at all ! most of the time people have such a scribble handwriting that half of the text I can't read ! I prefer printed letters, lol !
Praying for you this week Laura! And so excited about your book!
What a blessing to have notebooks of advise from your 'experienced' friends!
Thanks for the remider about the wonder of the little things in life. FFF does this, too.
Have a great week.....and good luck on radio interview on Monday!
Yes, yes to handwritten notes. What a legacy we leave for others in our own writing. love that idea!
I love to get real mail, notes, and handwritten little messages about the house. They are special, and meaningful. Have a glorious week
I have one note from my father in his own writing and I treasure it. It is my concern that future generations will not have these treasures. I have tried to write in my own penmanship a short memory book for each grandchild. Thanks Laura for reminding us. Clella
Borrowed your quote again for a post on my blog this morning. Thanks for the inspiration.
Praying you have a blessed week!
A handwritten note--- not seen often but is very special.
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