How do you grow respect in your sons? Well, we have to plant the seeds of respect and nurture them all along the way. Chapter 8, Growing Respect, gives you practical ideas of how to accomplish just that.
We want our sons to be respectful young men. We want them to value young ladies and treat them with dignity. But how do we accomplish that? It takes more than a crash course in dating, for respect grows from a wellspring deep inside.
I’m convinced that our sons need a three-fold sense of respect. They need to respect authority, they need to respect themselves, and they need to respect others. This chapter gives hints for fostering all three kinds of respect.
Of course, modeling respect for our sons plays into the picture. And Dad’s respect for Mom speaks volumes, too, to the boys in your home. In addition, there are things we can do – activities we can involve our sons in – that help foster respect for others. Placing them in activities with people who are different from them, spending time with other generations, getting involved with a team – these kinds of things teach children how to respect people who may be different and reinforce the value of others.
The value of manners as a code of behavior for boys is addressed in this chapter, too. And ideas for encouraging healthy boy-girl relationships are included. The chapter ends with some advice on being the Mother of the Groom – something all of us boy moms are going to be someday.
Respect is the basis for so much in life. It’s important for us to make it priority in our homes.
Next week, I’ll preview the last two chapters of the book. I’m Outnumbered officially releases on August 31st, so I’m working up to the official launch day by giving you a sample of chapters 9 and 10 on Tuesday and Wednesday. So, come on back next week and celebrate with me!

Great and most important chapter to cover. Wonderful! :O)
Fostering respect in boys is SO important, and you've hit the nail on the head with some of the points you've mentioned here. I'm going over to enter the giveaway, because I'm convinced that I need to read this book! :)
I think thats a great character trait often forgotten. Great points again!
I can see where you could feel "outnumbered"...I feel the same and it's just me and my wife of 45 years...I always let her have her way.
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Spot on, Laura, and something that's not the priority it was in earlier generations. Looking forward to reading your book when it hits the shelves!
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