A dilemma, a pickle, a predicament.
This past Saturday I awoke to crisp, cool Fall weather. (Well, for Florida it was crisp and cool – and there was even a breeze.)
It was lovely. I ate my breakfast and took my coffee to the computer, where I visited many of you.
Last week was an incredibly busy week and I had time to visit nary a blog friend all week. On Saturday, my heart was lifted and my spirits dashed at the same time. As I read backwards, I realized how much I had missed during the week!
There were birthdays and epiphanies, joys and sorrows, sick kids, community-building among moms, anticipation, and just lovely prose that would have heartened my workday week. And I missed them, cramming them all into one day.
I’m praying this week will be better…that I will be around more to see you and read what you have to say.
Now I’ve decided that may have been one of the reasons last week seemed so long… because you – you make my week.
How do you find time to visit all your blog friends? Do you have a system or are yours stolen moments at the monitor? Any suggestions?

Laura, I am struggling with this very thing! As my group of blog friends has grown, my time to visit has diminished due to the fall schedule. I miss everyone when I can't keep up daily, yet I feel guilty taking time away from my family during busy times to stay up-to-date and sometimes there's just not enough hours in the day. I'll be following your comments to see if anyone has some great advice! Just know you're not alone. :)
I have the same problem from a different vantage point. I am a stay-at-home-mom and my schedule is my own to set around everyday duties. I don't know how many times I have spent way too much time on the computer. And it's all good stuff -- it's not like I'm reading bad or wasteful things. Sometimes I trim my Google Reader subscriptions a bit and sometimes just have to push away from the computer to get.things.done.
I'll be interested to know how other people deal with this.
Squeeze them in whenever you can. If people post everyday I may not make it until every other day. :O)
This is such a problem for me. I get so frustrated that I can't seem to get around to half the people I need to-and want to! But I don't want to neglect the people in my very own house either!
I wish I had an answer. I guess we do what Diane says...squeeze them in whenever we can, and enjoy it as we can! I'll be back to see if anybody has otehr ideas!
I've met so many great bloggie friends and it is difficult to visit them and work, and.... But I always try to at least every few days. Sometimes supper is a bit late, though....
There's no easy trick... my saving grace is that it takes Lucas upwards of an hour to do bedtime at night, so that's my time (besides stolen moments when the kids are otherwise occupied...)
This made my day!
My trick is just to sit down and read in the two or three minutes I get here and there. Sometimes I get a longer stretch and I read all at once, but usually I just go through one by one (not that I have a bunch to read anyway!) in the odd moments that I do have. Sometimes commenting has to wait, but at least I get everything read!
You know my solution...it's radical! Not sure how it's going to work...I admit, my first official day with no comments was kind of...lonely!
I'll let you know how it goes! In the meantime, you do what you can do.
I don't have an answer my friend! Just know that I LOVE hearing from you, but you are always under grace, and if I don't hear from you for weeks I will never take it personally. I usually keep returning to the sites that I love -- not as often as i would like!
It is a balance and finding that spot is one of the more difficult challenges in life. To live in a purposeful and decisive manner requires times where we give some things up, do a little less than what we would like, and holding on firmly to not let some things go. Kudos to you for seeing it for what it is. Me... cut cable tv in July. Followed it by disconnect of home internet service. I am a little regretful of that one. Use internet before or after work which is allowed. No.. not a form of self imprisonment although it would seem like it... just living life more simply and purposefully.
For you... I think, as you are an exceedingly bright woman... be ok if you feel you have your priorities right. Can't fit in 29 hours in a 24 hour day-- there needs to be room for sleep!
Just wanted to let you know I reviewed your book today!
Thanks so much! It's a great review, and I really appreciate it. Glad you enjoyed the book - boy mom to boy mom.
My blog hopping sometimes happens in stolen moments (like now!) or usually in a treat at the end of the day between putting the kids down for bed (or, if my husband is home, while he puts them down) and cleaning up the house from a day with two pint-sized tornados (who do clean up before bed but don't get it momma-approved clean without some help).
well, I don't really have a "system". I used to spend WAY too much time on FB, blogging, online shopping until the Lord convicted me that my husband, children, house, ministry and job had to come first. So...now, I tend to write shorter posts, and on days (afternoons for 30 min after work, before the girls get off the bus) that I am blogging I choose 3 other blogs to visit. I also try to visit more on the weekends....like a Sat morning when nothing is going on here and the girls and hubby are still sleeping in....something like that. and now, after writing this, I guess I DO have a system, sorta...3 blogs each day or every couple of days....
Such a good question, Laura. I had to read through every comment to see if I could find the perfect answer I'm looking for, but I know it doesn't exist. It's a hard problem for me, too. Maybe you can come up with a great solution and let us all know. It's definitely a problem that didn't exist for me even 10 years ago.
I prefer the term "borrowed" not stolen. ;) Unfortunately, it is difficult to borrow time for one thing in my busy day because it usually takes away from something else. I'm still trying to figure it out.
Laura, I could've written this post. I am so far behind in blogs I love, and keeping in contact with bloggers I love.
How can I do it?
Any advice, from anyone?
My family needs me, my house needs me, my job needs me...and bloggers help me stay positive.
So, what to do??????
If you hadn't dropped by to comment this time, I was going to visit you and ask how you do it!
Alas, it seems many of us are in the same boat. I plan to summarize what's been said here and add a little more wisdom I've found in the coming weeks...
Oh, to find the golden balance!
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