Thanks to Susanne at Living to Tell the Story for hosting Friday’s Fave Five. It’s a great opportunity to share our favorites of the week. If you’d like to join in, just visit Susanne and get the details.
Here are my week's blessings:
1. Images of a special evening. I mentioned our Madrigal Dinner last week, and promised pictures, so thanks to Carol, school yearbook adviser extraordinaire, here they are:
Our choir onstage
Our beautiful queen
Some of our madrigal singers
What's a Madrigal Feaste without jesters?
The Royal Court
2. Our cold Florida weather. Oh, I know. You're saying, "Cold?" But for us, it is. It's been great this week, although a bit nippy inside our houses not built for this. All in all, hauling out the sweaters has put most of us in the mood for Christmas.
3. Family time! That's coming up for me, and I'm so excited. Can't wait to get everyone together. I'm praying for safe travel for all.
4. A celebration weekend. Last weekend, we did one party and two concerts -- a record for us. But it was great fun and just reinforced the season for us. After our production, we got to sit back and be entertained.
5. A Christmas quote.
Our hearts grow tender with childhood memories and love of kindred, and we are better throughout the year for having, in spirit, become a child again at Christmas-time. (Laura Ingalls Wilder)
Indeed, that's what I'm looking forward to. Making memories, loving on kindred, and being better for having been a child again -- a child at the foot of the manger.
Safe travel and have a great family time. Thanks for sharing the photos. looks like a wonderful evening. This is something those students will never forget - you have added much to their lives. love ya!
Love the quote and great pictures. It is fun peeking into your school life and seeing the big things you are a part of! My goodness. No wonder you were busy. This looks like quite the production!
Amazing costumes! I know you're so proud of your students. Enjoy the break coming your way and family time with your precious crew.
Oh, Laura, those are fantastic pictures! I know all enjoyed your wonderful script!
Have a safe and Happy, Happy Christmas.
Thanks for sharing the pictures! The event looks like great fun.
Enjoy your family time, and have a wonderful Christmas!
Wow! It looks like it was an outstanding performance! The costumes are brilliant.
So glad your family will be home together - praying for safe travels and wonderful celebrations!
Many blessings!
The costumes are breath-taking; so lush and authentic. Still want to see the script -- your talent is such a blessing to the school.
Praying for your safe travel.
The "comment deleted" was from me. Having trouble with comments this morning!
Those costumes are gorgeous! The evening sounds like such fun.
As much as I sometimes grouse beforehand about having to attend things -- I'm getting to where I don't like to go out much at night when it's cold and dark -- I do enjoy concerts, recitals, etc., once I get there. They do help set the tone for the season.
We're looking forward to having family all together next week, too.
I love attending Christmas programs. They help me focus on the spirit and intent of Christmas. Glad you posted the photos. It certainly was a beautiful madrigal!
I am with you on wanting to be a child at the foot of the manger. May your week be blessed.
These pictures are priceless. We are looking at them now (me, Abby, and Nick) and Abby says "I love the queen!"
love all the pics..thanks for sharing them...how exciting to see your words brought to life on stage! safe traveling and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!
I love that quote from Laura Ingalls Wilder too. How wonderful that you also have a new little boy child to play with and cuddle during this season while you remember the boy child in the manger.
If I lived in Florida, I'd attend your Madrigal Feast! Can't you do a tour and bring it to CA next year? :)
Those costumes are amazing. Congratulations!
Safe travel for all your family! And I did have to smile at your "cold" weather.
Oh Laura These pictures are so beautiful. Thanks for sharing. I know this must be such fun. Hope you are safe in Indy as I write this ! Enjoy. Praying for your Mom. Clella
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