Here are my favorites from this week:
1. The next step. In the last couple of weeks, I’ve alluded to a ministry opportunity for one of my sons. Well, it has happened! We’re all so thrilled that my oldest, Jonathan, will be pastoring his first church beginning Easter Sunday. He and his sweet wife are anxious to begin this new phase in their life with a little church on the Ohio River. They’ve already been so warm and welcoming to our kids. The coming weeks will be filled with packing and all the crazy logistics of moving. Below are a couple of pictures of this charming little town.

3. Winding up projects. Oh, it’s nice. I’ve been working on my research papers, and the majority are graded. I have several kids with special needs that require a bit more time and a few with special circumstances that are still trickling in, but it sure feels good to wind up a long, time-intensive project.
4. Anticipation. (I use that word often, don’t I?) I can’t help it – I like to look forward to things! Our third son graduates in May, and plans are underway to get everyone together for the event. It’ll be great!
5. This verse. While reading this week, something stuck out. In light of the unspeakable tragedy in Japan, this hit me. I’ve watched with tears in my eyes over and again. I cannot fathom what these people are facing; as I said, their tragedy seems almost unspeakable to me. But this verse leapt out at me:
“At that time his voice shook the earth, but now he has promised, ‘Once more I will shake not only the earth but also the heavens.’ The words ‘once more’ indicate the removing of what can be shaken – that is, created things – so that what cannot be shaken may remain” (Hebrews 12:26, 27).
This just reminded me that the loss of created things, tragic and painful as it is, leaves us with that which cannot be shaken. We are not left hopeless if we hold what cannot be shaken. My heart and prayers go out to those in Japan who have lost not only things but beloved ones. I pray they find hope and peace in what cannot be shaken.
A hope-filled week ahead to you!

Pastoring a little church on the Ohio River - that really sounds lovely. A son's graduation accompanied by a family gathering surely are exciting events to look forward to. Love your thoughts on the verse.
Tears sure just came to my eyes as I read your thots about the HEbrews verse....thanks for sharing that! and congrats to your son for his new pastoral role...the town looks cute! Is this graduation a high school one or college? either way....the anticipation is wonderful isn't it? (i know my oldest and her peers are counting down the days til June 25 when they officially become college students:) ) enjoy the weekend Laura....
Congratulations to your son on his new adventure - how exciting!! :)
Congrats to your son & d-i-l. What an amazing and important responsibility. I pray they’ll have an effective ministry in honoring the Father.
I'm so thankful for a God who can't be shaken too. We need our Rock!
How wonderful for your son and daughter-in-law! Looks like a nice town to settle in.
The play sounds like such fun. That's one of the things I am sad about our son missing -- they don't do one in his new school.
Getting projects finished and anticipating graduation are fun!
That verse has been a comfort to me when my world has been shaken -- how much more when the earth has literally shaken.
Anticipation keeps life exciting and wonderful. I'm glad you listed that and pointed that out. I do love looking ahead with hope.
The town that your son and his wife are moving to does indeed look charming. What a big responsibility and also full of blessing.
Hope you have a great weekend!
What happened in Japan is terrible and sad. Fortunately you had some joyful moments in your private life !
Hurray for this next step in your son's life! And it looks like a pleasant little town. Graduations are always a great event to celebrate--I hope everyone is available to be there :)
Congrats to your son on getting his first pastorate! How awesome! It certainly does look like a charming little town.
Your number 5 really struck a chord with me. I'm in total agreement.
How exciting for your son and daughter in law! And what a gorgeous little town they will live in.
I always feel good when a project is being wound up.
Yay for all those things. Peace in the midst of job-hunting, grading papers, flying with Peter Pan, and diasters. Good verse, thanks.
I was hoping you had news to share of your son! And it is wonderful news! The town looks very picturesque. YOu must be so proud.
Will they be any closer to you?
Congratulations on your son and DIL new ministry. Must be very exciting for them and you. That's a great verse to consider in these times or any time...
Hope your weekend is going well...
How exciting for your BOTH of your sons! I was in Drama Club in High School - all my best memories are from our shows. I'm glad you're finishing up, and thank you for the lovely verse from Hebrews.
I'm always a little startled when you talk about your kids doing things like pastoring a church! You just don't look old enough to have grown boys.
Getting to the bottom of a stack of research papers is such an accomplishment.
Congratulations to the new pastor and the new graduate.
You have lots to celebrate!
Sweet dreams.
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