The man who captured my heart so many years and so many boys ago has strong opinions. He doesn’t hesitate to share them. He lets you know how he feels about culture, faith, politics – so many things.
We talk a lot. We like to talk. We’ve even been known to have a good argument from time to time…we’re both redheads! (My dad used to always say to me and my sister, “Sometimes you just have to clear the air, girls.”)
We talk about what we plan to do, what we’d like to do, what we dream of. And there’s one thing he has never said to me:
“Oh, you can’t do that.”
Never. Not once. It’s always, “Sure. Why not?” Or, “Go for it!”
(Just so you understand, those aren’t the response to things like, “I’m going to have the kitchen remodeled” or “I want to buy a whole new wardrobe.” I don’t generally propose those kinds of things…)
“Sure. Why not?” is what he says when I say, “I think I’m going to write a novel about…” When I asked, “Do you think I’m too old to go back for my Master’s now?” he said, “Go for it!”
Isn’t that a wonderful thing? I hope my sons have paid attention over the years. I want them to be that kind of husband.
It’s one thing not to face opposition over your dreams; many husbands do that. They don’t mind their wives pursuing their dreams, but they don’t necessarily lend their encouragement. It’s another thing entirely to have someone cheering you on, encouraging you, bolstering your dreams – holding the tree still so you can step out on that limb.
Thanking my honey for the things he’s never said, for the many times he’s cheered and encouraged and steadied the tree.

What lovely thoughts! A supportive and encouraging partner can make all the difference. Love the image of him steadying the tree. :)
Have a blessed day!
I like the tree image, too. And yes, it is wonderful to have a husband who cheers for you!
I am so thankful that I have a husband like this, too. Thank you for reminding me to be thankful of this.
We have payed attention...it's one of the many characteristics of a godly husband and father that we've seen from Dad. And, as one of your boys, I can say that we have all experienced the same encouragement from you as we embarked on a huge challenge like going to seminary or moving to California, etc. It is an incredible blessing to have that kind of love and support from your spouse or parents!
Thanks, hon. I'm so proud of you guys!!
Oh, this is so beautiful, and I so agree. Thank you for calling sweet attention to this gift. My husband is similar in his support, and I'm beyond blessed.
Lucky girl you are, Laura! Glad you see the blessing you've been given in that hubby.
Fun post.
I always enjoy "visiting" your blog. Always an encouraging word. :)
Awww, what a sweetie! Yes, you have done what you've set out to do, so far. And you've just begun! :)
Your husband is so sweet -- I love it...and love the comment from your son, too!
Go for your Masters...I've got a few courses tucked away...but finally decided I loved my work more and am happy I finished my undergrad in 2000. I am very content where I am right now. I love it when I here about supportive husbands. In my Junior thesis I wrote how my husband had been the wind beneath my wings over pushing me out the door once my little ones became more independant.
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