On My Way to the Party...

Saturday April 2, 2011
This is a new experience for me, but I'm on my way to a party -- the Ultimate Blog Party 2011! Let me go read the directions again...

Okay, I'm back. The directions say I'm supposed to write a little about what my blog is about. See that verse up there at the top? That's my goal -- to encourage moms and get them united in love. And if you get some inspiration and a smile (and a well-placed tear or two) along the way, well, I've done my job.

So, if you're new here, I say, "Welcome!" I'm a boy mom, I have a page of posts just for you, and I've written a book about mothering boys. You'll see that in the sidebar. My hope is to bring encouragement to all moms -- whether your children are infants, toddlers, teens, or even out of the nest. Because I figure, once a mom, always a mom. There's also a search bar you can use to look for posts that might encourage you.

I'd love to hear from you! If you want to join in the party, just click on the badge below or visit Five Minutes for Mom here.

Ultimate Blog Party 2011
Nice to meet you!


Shell said...

I'm a boy mama, too! I need to check out your book!

Found you from the UBP!

Bethany @ Our 4 Sons Plus 1...Super Cute Girly Girl said...

Saying hello from the UBP11! I think I need to get a copy of your book! :) What a wonderful accomplishment!

Brenda said...

I am a boy mama too! One son and 3 stepsons! I am visiting from the UBP2011!

Joy @ Joy Of Desserts said...

I have a son too. How great that you are a published author. Congratulations. I'm stopping by from the UBP11. Come by for some desserts and I have a giveaway you can enter too. :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi!! I have one little man of my own, we'll see if I continue having little boys!! Nice to meet you!

Anonymous said...

Stopping from the UBP! I have a little boy. I really need to learn more about raising him to be all he can be.

Anonymous said...

saying hi from UBP! I love your site and what you blog about. check out my blog when you get a chance! :) www.megansutliff.blogspot.com

Nikki said...

Another boy mom here, I have one son (almost 6). Funny thing is, I was convinced I would have a girl. All the old wives tales pointed to it, and even my grandmother thought I was having a girl (and she was never wrong before). Now that I have a boy, I wouldn't know what to do with a little girl!

New follower from the UBP!

Amanda MacB said...

I would love to read your book. I am a mom to two boys under two. I can use all the help i can get! :)


It is nice to meet you, Laura, through ubp. I am a mother of girls who are already raised. Love love having adult kids. When they come to visit it always feels like Christmas morning.

Blessing on you, your family and your blog.


Gg-Notes on the Journey #269

Karen said...

Well, I have to say, I've read Laura's book and I wish it was written when my kids were little. But I can use it for my grandkids. It's perfect for boys or girls and VERY practical!


Unknown said...

Hi Laura,

Here from the UBP. Wonderful to see you encouraging mothers through your own experience of raising boys. I have 5 sons (and 1 daughter) and it's an incredible journey!



Amy Sullivan said...

Hey Laura,
You are the one who actually told me about this party. I wasn't going to blog this weekend. Then read your post, and got sucked in (in a good way of course!).

Oh, and they call me Amy Lauren. Who cares about legal documents, right? Ha!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm always happy to find other boy moms and you are one with experience! Looking forward to getting to know you.

Becky @ From Ministry to Motherhood

Helen said...

Thanks for visiting my blog! Let's swap books, absolutely! I have three boys so I bet I will learn a great deal from you! Thanks for getting in touch--hooray for UBP!

Kelly's Lucky You said...

Hi, Laura! I'm a new follower from the Ultimate Blog Party.

I hope you'll stop by KellysLuckyYou.com and follow me back :)

Off to check out more of your posts, I need all the parenting advice I can get, even though I'm a girl's mom :)

wacki04@TheKing'sCourt IV said...

Follower from the UBP party! Hope you can stop by to return the follow :)


OneMommy said...

I'm a SAHM to 2, one is definitely all boy! It cracks me up how different they are, especially since he isn't even 2 yet! I bet I can learn a lot here, so I'm going to follow you!
So glad I got to meet you at the party... I'd love it if you could stop by some time! http://theresjustonemommy.com

Covnitkepr1 said...

Just checking back to read any postings you may have written.

I’ve been following and enjoying your blog for a while now and would like to invite you to visit and perhaps follow me back. Sorry I took so long for the invitation.

Catherine said...

I thought I'd also say hi from UBP11. I'm already a follower, but can we ever get too much comment love? I think not! I'm looking forward to summer, your book is on reading list.

C (Kid Things) said...

I'm a boy mom, too. I have 2 boys, but I also have 1 little girl. I'd like to say it balances things, but she seems to think she's a boy, too. Nice to meet you through the UBP!

Jade Clark said...

Another boy mom here as well, I've got two (so far). Your site is inspiring!

knblawson said...

Awesome about your book!! I have 2 boys (and a girl and another baby on the way... gender to be determined!!)

knblawson said...

My comment is above but it isn't connected to my blog... it's just the only way I can comment on your type of blog :) http://www.elislids.com/blog

Mrs. Whary said...

I'm a mom to 14 boys! I definitely need to check out your book!!!!
stopping over from UBP.

Anonymous said...

Nice to meet you!  New Follower from UBP!!  Look forward to reading more!!


Christa @themeandminebook said...

Saying Hello from the UBP!!
I'm a boy mamma too! I have 3 boys,and finally got something pink. :)
Good to meet you!

Beverly said...

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! I can tell I will be a frequent visitor here - I've already enjoyed what I've read so far.

Rachel said...

Howdy, I'm hear from UPB11 Blessings to you! Love your blog and will Follow and "like" you. Hope you will do the same for me! You are invited to www.nanahood.com to check me out!

Hello Jessica Lynn said...


I am so happy to have found your blog. I am stopping in from the Ultimate Blog Party and this is my very first year participating and this is SO VERY exciting!! LOL

Anyhow...please stop by my blogs and follow whenever you get the opportunity:

So Stylilized is where I am currently offering FREE Custom Blog Designs at http://sostylilized.blogspot.com

And...Jessica Lil Corner is where I am blogging about family and life at http://jessicaslilcorner.blogspot.com

I welcome your visit at either or both of my blogs and hope to have you stop by and follow really soon!!

Have a very blessed day!! :0)

Epic said...

Dropping by to say "Hi"!
Beautiful blog.
Char from UBP #372

Casey said...

Such a cute blog! I'm a boy mom too!.. although I did dress my 11 month old in Pink today, but it did say on it "realy boys wear pink".. I doubt that would be recommended in anyones book! :) lol, I think I need to check yours out :) new follower! if you get time you can check mine out :) I cant wait to read more of yours!

Tina Hollenbeck said...

Hi! I'm visiting from the UBP - I'm #73 (Being Made New - http://tinahollenbeck.blogspot.com) on the Christian list. Very nice to get to know a little about you - and I hope you might have time to visit my place. :^)

Katrina said...

Hi! I saw your link on the UBP and your title caught my eye - I'm an outnumbered mom, big time! My kids outnumber me 9 to 1, LOL. I have 4 boys and 5 girls, ages 19 down to 2. My life is very fun, very busy, very blessed :) This is my first time linking up with the UBP and wow, there's a lot of great blogs to check out!

I'm your newest follower...and I'll be back!


Anne said...

Hi! I’m belatedly stopping by from the UBP. Nice to meet you!
I have two blogs, and I’d love for you to stop by when you get a minute. We’re giving away a $100 Visa gift card until the 19th at Giveaway Corner. Thanks!

http://giveawaycorner.blogspot.com/ (A free giveaway every weekday)
http://anne-somekindofwonderful.blogspot.com/ (Family blog)

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