Here are my favorites from this week:
1. A calm week. Funny – last week’s #1 was my busy week! You can read about how I dealt with it here. Yes, this week is slower, and it’s definitely nice. Maybe it takes busy to appreciate calm.
2. Photobucket’s maintenance is over! Oh, my. If you weren’t here on Tuesday or Wednesday you may not know, but because my blog is hosted on Photobucket, its maintenance affected me big-time. I was okay with one day, but when it stretched to two, I was getting antsy. Glad everything is squared away now.
3. An upturn for one of my boys. One son has had a rough two weeks, and things are looking up. He sounds so much better when I talk to him. And I’m so thankful for his brothers and other encouragers who stand in the gap when Mom can’t be there. Once a mom, always a mom!
4. Twenty-three more days…in the classroom. Yeah, I just counted. We do have three days of exams after that, but only a total of 23 more classroom meetings. I’m looking forward to summer – lazy mornings, time to write, a little travel, time to read…
5. This quote:
“Wonder is the basis of worship.” (Thomas Carlyle, Scottish historican and essayist of the Victorian era)
I just love wonder. I find it in nature, in a child’s eyes, in a smile or a tear. And it leads me to worship the One who created it all.
Wishing you wonder this week.

counting down my classroom days as well - 25. but we get ALL OF NEXT WEEK OFF! my plans? READ.
Oh, how I wish we had only 23 school days left. We homeschool, and I think we'll be going until at least the end of May. Maybe I miscounted. :)
I love that quote. When I'm able to let go of everything else and focus on God, I can't help but find that wonder in Him.
Have a blessed week!
I'm glad your son is doing better. I like the quote. It makes me think that with wonder comes faith.
wow only 23 days. That sure will go fast. Makes me want to go to the calendar and see where I will be in 23 days. interesting. Thanks for sharing all your fave fives. by the way, love the quote too
Love the quote! I especially find wonder in nature - how can anyone believe all this beauty evolved, or started with a big bang?
Glad your son had an upturn in his situation. Nothing makes a mom happier!
I wish I could count down days to not working for the summer. What a blessing for you!
Glad to hear your son is having a better week. I'm also thankful that there are other's there who can encourage my girl who lives away from us when I can't be there.
We just counted down the days til school ends today, too. Can't wait! No more alarm clocks!
I am glad for the upturn for one of your boys and the encouragement he received along the way.
I love calm weeks after busy ones. I am hoping for a calm one next week!
I love wonder too. It's sad that we tend to lose that as we grow older.
I'm glad your son's doing better.
I can not wait for summer either. We need a break in routine around here.
well, I have a little more than 23 dyas of school left that's for sure! lol....glad your son is doing better and I LOVE what you say here at the end about finding wonder in nature..i do the same thing!
I love that quote. I think one of the saddest things is when we lose our childish enthusiasm. And hooray for summer! I had to stop a minute when I read your posts and think what month we were in. It's been so cold here that it doesn't seem like summer is just around the corner. My mom taught 32 years and she was as excited about summer arriving as the students. Let's hear it for those lazy, hazy days!
I love wonder too, Laura! And these blessings are wonder-full. I also love that this post made me stop and name five blessings right away. That's pretty cool. I hope you keep that calm around for next week!
A great list of favorites. I to worship the One who created it all.
I left Photobucket, I also had my background picture on an old blog disappearing several times and on my blogs pictures from posts of 2006 just don't exist anymore ! I heard a lot of complaints about them.
Now I only use Picasa Webhosting for my photos to get the code. Blogger has enough choice for backgrounds.
Isn't it awful when your blog is not working properly? I have awful google ads all over mine this week. Blah! I am glad your son is having a better time, and that your week was calm. We're looking forward ot summer, too. thanks for the quote!
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