Can you name five blessings from your week? Susanne from Living to Tell the Story hosts Friday’s Fave Five each week. Click on over and see her if you’d like to join in!
Here are my favorites from this week:
1. Those who love my boys. (Will I – someday – stop calling them “boys”? I don’t think so…) I mentioned last week that my oldest was making his first family move into his first pastorate. They were so welcomed! From two carloads of people waiting at midnight to unload them, to dinners, a stocked pantry, and a packed church, it was awesome. So thankful for these and others who minister to my sons every day. (And I just had to include an Easter picture of Aiden in his new home.)

2. Peppermint Mocha Coffeemate. I had never tried this (being a Hazelnut aficionado), but I decided on a little variety this week, and I’m hooked! Somehow, the peppermint is just relaxing.
3. Sirens. I grew up in the Midwest and spent many a night in the closet under the stairs with the battery operated television. Then we moved to Oklahoma, which certainly has its share of twisters. Now three of my boys and my mom are experiencing tornado season firsthand, and I’m ever-so-thankful for those sirens. They all hear them and heed them, and that makes me feel a little better, as I pray my way through this season. Right now, I’m praying, too, for all those who were so devastated by tornadoes this past week. May they find peace and comfort in the One who loves them.
4. The countdown. I’m ticking off the days, my friends – the days till summer vacation. I’m now looking at the calendar in terms of how many more class meetings for each class. (Trying to get everything in, and get them ready for exams!) I’m also gearing up for my summer writing goals. More on that later.
5. This quote. I’ve read it many times, and I love it each time my eyes fall upon it.
What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)
Ralph always reminds me not to whine or wallow, but to look within and move ahead. Emerson was likely talking about intestinal fortitude, resilience, and human determination. But what a blessing that, for me, what’s within is greater than what’s in the world. I can look up, grasp His hand, and step out in confidence.
Wishing you that confidence, that assurance, this week.

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i haven't read your blog for very long. so i love these posts that tell me more about you! i, too, am counting down the days until summer break. 20 more school days - countng today. i don't scratch it off until the end of fourth period!
I'm so glad that your son and his family received such a warm welcome at their new home!
I agree about the sirens. We don't have many tornadoes here, but my sister and her family live in the Midwest. On one of my family's first visits, the area was under tornado warning. It was pretty nerve-wracking for us, but my sister took it in stride. Instead of watching the news nonstop, she knew she could depend on the sirens for warning.
Have a blessed week!
I'm so glad your son's new church family is doing such a good job welcoming him! May they always be kind and supportive of him and his family.
Ok, I'll try not to be jealous of your summer vacation .... I'll just remember what a hard job you have corralling teenagers all day!
What a blessing for your son and his family to be so lovingly welcomed!
We had tornado sirens in our previous town, but I don't know if they do here -- I haven't heard them. In our previous town they tested them every other Saturday. They do come in handy!
My son is counting down the days, too!
Can't pick my favorite from your list cause I love all of them mmmm must try peppermint....
Ahh, love that quote. It is great to watch our children being affirmed and loved by others. Boy I can't imagine what goes through someone's heart and mind when a tornado bears down on them. Our Son in laws base in North Carolina suffered a lot with the tornadoes before Easter...
Oh that quote has always been one of my faves!! I love Emerson and would have encouraged my oldest to apply to Emerson College but for how liberal and secular it!
Your grandson is getting so big! he is such a cutie....and God has really blessed your son with all the church help! that is awesome. Up here in the Northeast we cannot imagine how scary it must be at times to live in hurricane and tornado areas....thank the Lord for those sirens! Have blessed weekend counting down the days! (we have 8 wks)
Ooh, that Coffeemate flavor sounds great. I'll have to check it out. The storms out your way have sounded horrific. I well remember the sirens from my Midwest years and running to the basement many times. Stay safe! So happy to hear that your son and family had a warm welcome to their new parish.
I'm so happy to read how well your son and his family were received! That's so exciting, and look at that baby. He's adorable! (I feel quite convinced my boys will always be "my boys")
I have been seeing the tornado devastation on TV and haven't stopped praying.
I am feeling pretty happy that it's the last quarter of the school year. (it's always school, but it's way more fun when it doesn't feel like it!) We have some fun field trips planned, since these guys go through curriculum like wood chippers.
Thanks for the quote, and your thoughts.
Oh, I adore that cutie pie! No, Laura, I think they'll always be your boys. My kids will always be my kids. :)
Glad for your son and his family.
My heart goes out to all those dealing with the horrible storms and tornados.
I really like that quote!
Have a great weekend!
Laura...boys are always boys and whenever all our children are here I always say the kids were here..meaning our 50 and 52 year old daughter and son and their families. Doesn't your sweetie look cute in blue? Such a sweet face. Clella
Your grandson is adorable! These are all wonderful things to be thankful for. I'm glad your mother and sons are doing well amid this horrible tornado season.
I might just have to try that peppermint mocha coffeemate :)
Peppermint mocha and soothing?
Those two sound good together.
I have also, always loved this quote by Emerson.
It reminds of what I have inside, that I won't know I have, if I don't push my limits.
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