Summer, Family, Joy: Friday's Fave Five

Friday June 10, 2011 Can you name five blessings from your week? Susanne from Living to Tell the Story hosts Friday’s Fave Five each week. Click on over and see her if you’d like to join in!

Here are my favorites for this week:

1. Holding that brand new babe. I wrote about this sweet little one on Tuesday, but his little life is a definite favorite of mine this week. A grandmom with a grandson who’s states away is dangerous…I’m anxious to go hold this little guy again, already!

2. Family time. Our numbers are reduced greatly around here – gone are the days of 6 at the table! But having the college boy home is a joy, and we’ve had fun this week, the three of us, at dinner, watching television together, you name it. We like a silly summer show called America’s Got Talent and when it’s on, we sure have fun watching together.

3. Crossing items off my summer list. I finished editing a book this week (big project!) and submitted a couple more things. I love that feeling of accomplishment as I cross things off. And I love getting to some of those items that are lower on the list, that I’ve been anxious to do.

4. Pictures of Aiden. This little boy is growing so! I just had to share.

5. A quote.

“Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.”
(Ralph Waldo Emerson)

I’m certainly feeling this sentiment now, in the summer. Ask me in late November, and that might not be my response. But I want it to be! That’s my goal – to live in the now, to find the joy in the present.

A little bonus fave: My dear hubby brought home the most beautiful baby pink roses one day this week – just being a nice guy. I love that – and him!

Wishing you joy in your week,


Anonymous said...

We like AGT, too.

You're getting more done with your summer than I am!

Cute picture of Aiden!

Susanne said...

Oh, that little Aiden is growing so fast. I can't believe he is nine months old already! What a sweetie.

It is fun having the child who's moved away home for an extended time! I can hardly wait for mine to come at the end of July.

What a sweet hubby and I love the quote.

Willow said...

I agree with Brenda--we keep the times in our hearts forever. Welcome, welcome to that precious new little boy! And oh my! Aiden is growing so fast.
Next week my summer truly begins--will I be able to keep up with you crossing tasks off your to do list? Probably not! You're amazing!

Mary said...

What a great quote! I love having the college boys at home, too. It doesn't happen often!

Faith said...

sounds like a great week of special blessings...Aiden is absolutely adorable and how awesome that your hubby brought the roses!! we like that show too once in awhile in summer!! enjoy the weekend...

Gattina said...

I am grandma since 7 month, I have seen the babyboy one day after his birth, on Christmas, in February and in May. For me it's rather difficult to feel and see him as my grandson, I think he has to grow a bit for moment he is just the baby of my son.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

i am so surprised that you have older children. For some reason I thought your boys were quite young. I had to check and check again. We have our son coming home from Cali. where he is stationed in the Coast Guard for a month this summer. Come September our youngest will be away at college. Empty nesters! I am looking forward to it but I know I will miss them. all.

ellen b. said...

Ahh, that is a sweet husband that brings home flowers out of the blue. Hope you get to see and hold that babe again soon. It's always good to get things done. Hope your weekend is going well...

Jenny said...

Awww...that sweet picture of your son made my heart smile.

Catherine said...

Isn't it always a special treat to get flowers? I love it!

I can't believe you have older children. You look so young! But what a beautiful baby. Look at how nicely he's standing up!

Congratulations on getting your edits done. I'd better hurry and read the first one before the next one is published!

Trish said...

Sounds like a lovely week and a great start to the summer!

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