Friday July 15, 2011 
Can you name five blessings from your week?
Susanne from Living to Tell the Story hosts
Friday’s Fave Five each week. Click on over and see her if you’d like to join in!
I’m home! After three weeks of traveling, we’re back in Florida. We had a great time, but it’s good to be home. (
You can read about why in my Wednesday post.)
So much to be thankful for. Where to start…?
1. Safe travel. We drove a lot of miles, and an uneventful trip is always a blessing. The trip included
hearing my oldest son preach (and taking his grandmother, my mom, along with us), traveling with Aiden and his parents, seeing both sides of the family, from Kentucky to New York. We got to see a different beach in the Outer Banks, too (pictured above). Before coming home we stopped at ICRS, which showcased upcoming Christian publications. For more about that stop, visit my Thursday post at
Kindred Heart Writers.
2. The Lost Colony. This is
an historical drama of the colony of Roanoke, performed in the Outer Banks. I’ve always been fascinated with Roanoke and Queen Elizabeth is one of my favorite historical characters, so I was so excited to see this. We had a great time! (Kudos to my youngest son for most of these pictures--the ones with the watermark are his.)
3. Nature time. I love watching creation pass by the window in the car and seeing the changing landscape, but I love even more getting out in it. Our NY relatives have a “bungalow” that we all love. No phone, no television—just kayaks and hammocks, fishing and grilling. It’s so relaxing.
4. Family. We were missing two boys this year (jobs and distance made the trip impossible for them), but we’re already looking forward to being together at Christmas. It was great to spend time, though, with so much family. The boys saw a cousin they hadn’t seen in years and had fun catching up. And of course, there’s Aiden. We spent lots of time with him. He’s on the verge of walking and is such a happy boy. Fun, fun, fun.

5. The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society and a quote. This book is just charming! Maybe it’s the British wit that has captured me or the strong affinity for reading that it fosters, but I’m thoroughly enjoying it. One character speaks of how reading Thomas Carlyle got him thinking about faith. I love this Carlyle quote:
“Does it ever give thee pause, that men used to have a soul—not by hearsay alone, or as a figure of speech; but as a truth that they knew, and acted upon! Verily it was another world then … but yet it is a pity we have lost the tiding of our souls … we shall have to go in search of them again, or worse in all ways shall befall us.”
To have lost the “tidings” of one’s soul and know it only by hearsay—what another tells you. How sad.
Carlyle says we should go in search of those tidings again. I love that advice.
The end of summer is looming for me as the school year approaches. But I’m committed to enjoying the next three weeks. Hope you do, too. (It’s good to be back--with
All so wonderful! I'm so glad you are home but I know it was a wonderful time. Thanks for sharing it.
glad you're back! you've been on the nc coast...headed that way tomorrow!!!!!! and alas, i only have three weeks of break left as well. sigh.
Love those pics, great job! AND of course of that special little one. Interesting quote.
wow the photos are great and brought back wonderful memories of the outer banks. glad you are back
So glad to have you back, Laura. I even mentioned you on my fff post today. ;)
The kindred heart writers website is useful, thanks for sharing it.
Spending time with family and time in nature are both so restoring.
Have a great week.
Looks like a lovely vacation, Laura! Spending time with the family is the best.
I loved that book and I'm thinking I want to reread it soon.
Your trip sounds fabulous. Road trips are the way to go! and you were in some wonderful places. How nice to spend time with family.
Loved the book, too. One of those where I was sorry when it ended.
So glad you had a safe and enjoyable in many ways trip! I've been wanting to read that book for a long time -- have heard so much about it.
The trip sounds wonderful....were you in the Catskills or Adirondacks by any chance (based on your pics)...i love between both mountain ranges :) altho we spend the bulk of our time in the we also have family up there and that's where we hike. I've seen that book but haven't read it yet....i'll have to borrow it from the library now! Enjoy the last bit of vacation...we still have another 8 1/2 weeks til public school begins again. My oldest has 4 weeks left until college....
you always have such fabulous quotes!
I'm glad you're home safely, and had such a nice time. (it does feel good to get back though, doesn't it?) Now you can count down to Christmas!
I loved your list, and it looks like you had a wonderful vacation. Enjoy your weekend Laura!
With all your boys and their annexes you have a big family ! How nice to enjoy ! I have only one son and fortunately not too far away they live in Amsterdam.
Laura, love your photos and I know you love the memories behind them. Thanks for sharing the Carlyle quote -- wow!
Glad you had a great trip (love that picture from the NY bungalow!)-- and that you are home and resting in your own bed. :o) The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society is such a fun book! We read it at my book club for a short break from all of our social justice type books (valuable, but overwhelming sometimes) and it was a treasure! :o)
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