What did Peter and John do? Filled with the Holy Spirit, they spoke the truth.
My favorite part of this story lies in the crowd’s reaction:
“When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus.” (Acts 4:11)
They saw their courage, realized they were unschooled and ordinary, were astonished, and took note that these men had been with Jesus.
It was clear even to unbelieving eyes.
What do I long to hear?
“She’s different; she’s one of His.”
“That one has been with Jesus.”

Linking up today with Michelle at Graceful for Hear it on Sunday, Use it on Monday.
Oh, yes. Sometimes I wonder and worry, am I too much like the rest? Will anyone even see a difference in me? I need to push myself more when I'm feeling afraid.
great thoughts for this new year.
Laura, so funny that this is what you wrote because I came here specifically tonight to tell you: YOU'RE DIFFERENT! Every time I read one of your comments - on my blog or someone else's - I think, "she has such a gift." Of encouragement, prophecy even? I'm not sure, but I know it's something! Thank you for sharing it with all of us!
Thanks for your sweet words, Jenny!
This was short, sweet, and good for my spirit tonight. I long to hear those same things. Thank you for sharing!
I've read that scripture before, but I don't know if I've ever noticed those words, unschooled and ordinary. I love how God uses the unexpected and the ordinary for His work. This is good stuff! :)
Hi Laura
This is my first time linking up over at Graceful and reading everyone else's posts has been such a blessing! My post was about courage too.
I loved this.. she's different, she's one of His. This one's been with Jesus! Amen!!!
There is nothing like the Truth to break through the noise and chaos of this world. It is what this world craves. I pray I will speak Truth loud and clear with my life. Thanks for this post.
And I particularly appreciate the detail that they were "ordinary unschooled men." Ordinary. I love that. We don't have to be super leaders or super intelligent or super successful. All Jesus requires is that we ordinary followers take a risk in faith, convey the Good News and above all, love him with all our heart, soul and mind.
And by the way, dear friend, I think you are EXTRAORDINARY!
Love this! Thank you so much for posting it!
... isn't it wonderful that the fact that we have been with Jesus can be so apparent!
You have written the cry of my heart, that people would know I belong to Him!
Great post.
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