And just when we get it down to a science, things change. (Just when I mastered how to get laundry done for four boys, one signed up for football. That threw that balance off!)
They grow and face new challenges…then our job changes a bit. But it never really goes away. Even after they go to college, start new jobs, have families, we still shop for them, pray for them, talk with them.
Once a mom, always a mom, I say.
No matter where I am in my mothering—or in some other “job”—what should be my mindset?
“Whatever you do, work at it with all of your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men” (Col. 3:23).
Another load of laundry—as for Him.
Another lesson to teach—as for Him.
A meeting to sit through? As for Him.
“Therefore, my beloved, be steadfast, immovable, always excelling in the work of the Lord, because you know that in the Lord your labor is not in vain” (I Cor. 15:58).
Cleaning, cooking, grading, settling disputes among children or coworkers—our work isn’t in vain.
“But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded” (2 Chron. 15:7).
Wiping up the messes, arbitrating arguments—our work will be rewarded.
“For we are God’s fellow workers; you are God’s field, God’s building” (1 Cor. 3:9).
No matter what our work is, we’re not in it alone.
In fact, if we’re His field, we’re the medium for growth; He cultivates there, makes it ready for harvest.
If we’re God’s building, we’re the very place He’s fashioned—for safety and security from whatever may threaten.
Puts a whole new perspective on “work,” doesn’t it?

Linking up today with Michelle for Hear It on Sunday, Use It on Monday and Jen at Finding Heaven Today for Soli deo Gloria. Click on over and come along with us!
oh, i needed this! and i will post that pound cake recipe soon. i just got home with it and need to type it up - it's an old newspaper one i got from my husband's uncle.
Oh, LOVE this, Laura. Keeping that attitude makes SUCH a difference. I remember when I was nursing my youngest at 2 in the morning, I would stop myself from grumbling by imagining I was nursing Jesus. You definitely can't have a bad attitude like that!
My mom always said, "You are never done being a mom." We were both glad for that truth.
Such a good reminder. Made me think of Brother Lawrence who worshipped God while doing dishes.
but also reminded me how just when we think we have things figured out, changes erupts. I guess that is just life.
A convicting post, Laura -- and some good reminders for to help me pray my way through the daily grit and grind!
I recently wrote on this very same topic, and have been amazed at how God has changed my heart in this area over the last few weeks. What was once drudgery, becoming ministry? Praise God. :) Love this post- looks like we have a lot in common!
I am grateful that there is nothing He deems too small when done in the name of glory of God.
excellent..reminds me of what someone told me once (i think my mom or an aunt) "work as unto the Lord and as though He is sitting right in the same room as you!"...thanks for this, Laura! I start back tomorrow!! and yes, I'm missing Courtney a bit (saw your comment)...we text a bit throughout the week and comment back and forth on FB but i miss her voice. I may give her a call over the weekend..I don't wanna "hover"...! I DID send out a care package already! haha...i couldn't resist!
Laura, Love your beautiful heart shared here. I wanted to stop in and thank you for visiting my blog. I was blessed to have you stop in.
Have a blessed day!
How telling is it that I finished the "A mother's work is..." before even looking at the post? LOL. Thank you for this reminder. In the busyness of school, keeping a home, and keeping up other obligations, it is easy to lose sight of what it is all for.
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