Everyday Epiphanies: Friday's Fave Five

Friday November 4, 2011

Can you name five blessings from your week? Susanne from Living to Tell the Story hosts Friday’s Fave Five each week. Click on over and see her if you’d like to join in!

FFF Friends, I was away last Friday so I missed you. Glad to be back among you. Can't wait to read what you've been up to!

1. A wonderful trip. Last week, I got to attend a conference – the Christian Communicators Conference. It was in lovely South Carolina, where the leaves are beautiful! I learned so much, met some wonderful women, and got inspired. A fun, restful, and challenging time.

2. New friends and old. New friends to inspire, old friends to confirm. What a blessing!

3. Being missed. It’s nice to hear someone say they missed you! And it’s great to have a hubby you can bounce things off of, try to get some clarity and direction.

4. Halloween pictures. Just look at this sweet little sock monkey! (That's Aiden, my grandson.)

5. November—and this quote. Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and I love that. Turning my thoughts toward gratitude makes me see things more clearly. My focus changes as my thankful thoughts go heavenward. Great preparation for the Christmas season, too.

“Gratitude bestows reverence, allowing us to encounter everyday epiphanies, those transcendent moments of awe that change forever how we experience life and the world.” (John Milton)

Reverence, everyday epiphanies, transcendent moments of awe? Can’t get much better than that! Wishing these for you this week.


Faith said...

love your faves list this week!! great quote but that doesn't surprise me...MILTON....and you....you always find inspiring quotes! Your grandson is just absolutely adorable and wow!! he's up and walking already! precious.....have a great weekend

Anonymous said...

An additional fun about thanksgiving is it's the celebration just before an equally great and exciting time - Christmas! What a great week you have! Your Aiden looks so cute in his monkey costume!

Karen said...

Such an ADORABLE sock monkey! He's a cutie.

Love your quote about gratitude. I'm going to post it on my kitchen bulletin board for this month.

Out of town conferences are so much fun. It's great to get away and then coming home again is just the best.

Have a great weekend, Laura.

Anonymous said...

So glad you had a great trip! I spent all but five of our married years in SC -- beautiful state.

That's an adorable little sock monkey!

Jerralea said...

Aiden makes an adorable sock monkey! Such a creative idea!

I loved your quote, especially the phrase "everyday epiphanies." I'm on the lookout for those! I love to list, so I've been doing the 1,000 Gifts exercise that Ann Voskamp talks about. It seems like the same idea as Milton's - looking for awesomeness in every day life!

TIFFANY said...

What a cute little sock monkey!

Have a great weekend!

ellen b. said...

Welcome back. It is nice to be missed, isn't it? Your little sock monkey is so darn cute!!
I might borrow that quote for a post I was just assigned...
Blessings on your weekend.

Michelle DeRusha said...

Glad you had a great conference, Laura. And I just love that quote (and the sock monkey, too!).

Catherine said...

That is the cutest sock monkey, ever!
I'm glad your conference went well. I could use a retreat or a conference myself. It's nice to get away and refresh.
I love your quote, but.. I always love your quotes! Thank you for sharing them.
I hope you're having a wonderful weekend,and that you enjoy the week ahead,

Susanne said...

Wow that quote is awesome. Could sorta be the theme quote for FFF. :v)

What a cute little sock monkey Aiden makes. Complete with banana.

Glad you enjoyed your conference. Hope you are refreshed and inspired.

Shannon said...

Thanks for dropping by! That monkey is too cute!

I'm a new follower.



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