Shepherds, stars, and the littlest of all.
Brought by a donkey, seen by men who were wise
His coming a paradox, absurd to our eyes.
A gift from a Father whose love is so great
He gives His own Son to undo the world’s hate.
As we look at the remnants of Christmas, each part
Bears witness to His gift, love straight from His heart.
“And she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no guest room available for them.’” (Luke 2:7)
When I think of the manger, I see straw in my mind’s eye. Interestingly enough, scripture doesn’t mention whatever cradled the little Master’s sweet head; but we know His mama wrapped him in cloths.
That’s not all that enfolded Him that night. Wrapped in cloths, surrounded by wonder, encircled in the love of Mary and Joseph.
In this season of wonder, how do I welcome Him?
Despite the lowing of cattle, the distraction of angels, and the wind and weather, I doubt Mary’s mind was on anything but that son in her arms. He was precious to her.
In this season of wonder, is He precious to me?
May each little piece of Christmas bear witness, through me, of the gift wrapped in His love.

Linking up today with Michelle for Hear It on Sunday, Use It on Monday, Laura at The Wellspring for Playdates with God, and Jen at Finding Heaven Today for Soli deo Gloria. Click on over and come along with us!
This is beautiful Laura!
I feel both soothed and joyful reading this, Laura. Thank you -- and advent blessings to you, my friend.
Oh, Laura, you have me longing for a babe in arms! Such a beautiful piece of Christmas you give us here. Is he precious to me? Yes! And now you have me thinking deeper on this question. Thank you for that.
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