Here are my favorites from this week...and last!
1. Thanksgiving. I haven’t posted since we got home, so I just have to tell you what an awesome time it was! We had all the boys under one roof, and the food and fellowship were just great. It took us two days to drive to Kentucky and two more days to drive back home to Florida, but it was worth every second. And driving, talking, listening to books on CD and Christmas music was fun for us, too. And spending time with the girls in a couple of my boys’ lives was great. It’s so nice to have more ladies around the family, and these two are VERY special. And then there was…
2. Aiden. Oh, my sweet little grandson. He’s almost fifteen months old, and such a bundle of fun. Wakes up so happy and sweet. We got to rock and sing every night before he went to bed. We read books and played trucks together. It was so hard to leave.
3. Our Georgia Christmas tree. Yes, we stopped in Georgia at a Christmas tree farm, cut down a tree, and brought it back to Florida with us! It was a fun adventure and it’s a nice fat, full tree – my favorite kind. (Here it is, in its natural habitat.)
4. Watching my students perform. Our yearly Madrigal Dinner is coming up next week, and we’re in the thick of rehearsals and preparation. I write the script each year, and I can’t tell you what a joy it is to see your words come to life on stage. My kids are so funny and creative – they give the script life! They have fun on stage, and I love watching them having a good time.
5. A quote.
“All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen.” (Ralph Waldo Emerson)
It’s funny how words grow on you, how life and experience work on their meaning. I’ve read this quote before, and I liked it. But these days, I think about the wealth of what I have seen – the depth of happiness, sadness, joy – and I begin to see how that that does indeed teach me to trust Him for all I have not seen. Reading One Thousand Gifts again has helped me remember how to be thankful and how much there is to be thankful for.
Wishing more trust – and thankfulness – for you this week.

I knew your Thanksgiving was wonderful as soon as I saw little Aiden's face. :-) What a sweetie! Glad you got to spend time with him, your sons, and the women in their lives.
Love the Emerson quote. So true!
How special to be with your grandson for Thanksgiving and have ALL the boys together.
Oh, Madrigals at Christmas! I'd love to hear them! We once attended the Madrigal Feast at the Claremont Colleges--it was amazing!
I've used that quote before on my Facebook account! a good one for sure....and WOW your grandson is that big already?? where does the time go? it seems like it was just last month you were announcing his birth..he is a cutie....I love time with friends and family and listening to xmas music...and how special to have 2 ladies in your life now :) enjoy a wonderful weekend!
Laura Your happiness comes through in your words...and the quote is one that only gains more meaning as a person grows older.
Glad you had a nice Thanksgiving. Aiden is gorgeous!! Oh and your tree is wonderful!!!! I can't wait til Sunday when we go cut ours down.
Sounds like the performance will be a big hit (you must have lots of patience, lol). And I love that verse : )
Laura, you pick the best quotes!
Wow, you are a serious Christmas tree lover to bring one from another state!
Your Aiden is a cutie. What fum to read stories and play trucks!
That sounds like an absolutely fantastic, wonderful, amazing Thanksgiving, and what a sweet little man Aiden is!
I can't even imagine my boys having wives or beaus quite yet, but I'll bet is *is* nice to have the scales tip slightly back toward the center again. =)
That Christmas tree is just perfect! Wow! I hope you'll post a photo of it decorated.
The show sounds fun, and your quotes are always appreciated. I love 1,000 gifts, too, and put the app on my phone last week. It's kind of neat, but I forget to use it.
Welcome back. I'm so glad you had a great Thanksgiving and a safe trip!
I can imagine that you had a lot of fun and enjoyed your stay with the whole family under one roof ! We had that on our grandson's first birthday where we all met in Amsterdam. All is a great word, because from my side there was only us too and our son and of course little Toby who just had started to walk ! here we are
So nice that everyone could be together for the holidays! Especially that little grandson!
I know what you mean about it being nice to have a few more females around, too.
Glad the tree survived from GA to Florida!
I'm smiling reading about your family celebrations because your joy comes through in your words. So glad you guys had the opportunity to have all of you together.
That looks like it's going to be a great tree! I like fat ones too!
Laura! Your Thanksgiving travels and family time sounds such a wonderful memory to treasure. And I bet your house smells amazing with that Christmas tree.
So glad you were able to spend the holiday with all your boys - and their girls...but especially your little Aiden!
That is a gorgeous tree!
I love the quote this week.
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