I'm on my way to a party -- the Ultimate Blog Party 2012!
The invitation says I'm supposed to write a little about what my blog is about. See that verse up there at the top? That's my goal -- to encourage moms and get them united in love. And if you get some inspiration and a smile (and a well-placed tear or two) along the way, well, I've done my job.
So, if you're new here, I say, "Welcome!" I'm a boy mom, I have a page of posts just for you, and I've written a book about mothering boys. You'll see that in the sidebar. My hope is to bring encouragement to all moms -- whether your children are infants, toddlers, teens, or even out of the nest. Because I figure, once a mom, always a mom. There's also a search bar you can use to look for posts that might encourage you.
I'd love to hear from you! If you want to join in the party, just click on the badge below.

Hi Laura! What a joy to meet you! We have mostly girls at our house, but I can see I could gleam a lot of insight from you for raising my one boy. :)
Have a great night.
I also just joined the blog party and look forward to getting to know you.
Nice to meet you, Laura. I am expecting my first boy in June. Can't wait!
I hope you have a great weekend. Enjoy hopping around to other blogs during the UBP12.
LaVonne @ Long Wait For Isabella
I joined in the fun, too! Can't wait to meet some new friends!
How fun to come to the party ... and find a friend.
THank you for finding me....can't wait to read more....I love your blog just by looking at the pictures...beauty in boys! :)
Tracy Dear Life From a Mom of Boys
Nice meeting you! I'm a girl Mom, though I'd love to have a son too! :o) I'll check out your blog and follow you on FB if you have that option.
Have fun at the party!
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