Standing in front of a classroom of high school sophomores, I'm reminded of my problem.
I’m too fixed, too put together, all too capable—I think.
We were winding up our discussion of Doestoyevsky’s Crime and Punishment and there I stood, indicted by the point I’d been hammering home.
Our main character’s problem? Pride. He thought he could reason his way to fulfillment, creating a theory that placed him above the law. His crime brought suffering, but it wasn’t until he let go of his own suffering and accepted Christ’s suffering that he found real peace.
He was too fixed, too capable—he thought.
Until he met a young lady who was broken and knew it. Unlike him, she placed her faith and hope in the One who redeems. Through the broken places of her life shone Christ’s love.
This morning I read this:
“Healthy people don’t need a doctor—sick people do. I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those we know they are sinners” (Mark 2:17).
I was reminded of my problem. Sure, I’m broken; we all are. But I lose sight of that sometimes in the glow of praise and achievements and an inflated sense of self.
Then a flawed character comes along to remind me to let Him shine through the broken places of my life.

Joining Laura, Jen, and Michelle with words from the heart.
Oh, I'm a pride girl for sure.
I've got it. I can handle it. This is no problem...meanwhile I'm dying.
It's funny when God wants to teach us a lesson I see it repeated over and over and over. For me, it can be in the classroom, in TV shows, songs, in my kids' conversations, everywhere I turn.
I bet you are almost out of school, LG. My last day with kids was last Friday, go ahead, and be jealous.
and my last day with kids is today....and i struggle with pride as well. it manifests itself in a very critical spirit. ugly.
Great point and difficult reminder we all need.
Excellent words, Laura... I was (ok, and still am) quite a prideful heifer somedays. (I use the word heifer as a term of self-endearment.) I always think I got this... then God sends a *little* and *sweet* reminder that I in fact, do not "got this." Actually, I usually got nuttin.' But fortunately, HE is the one who gives me guidance and the ability to make it happen. So incredibly grateful for his grace and lessons that come with it!
Oh that horrid monster pride--I think we ALL have it, whether we want to admit it or not.
Love your reflections, and I need to read that book again. There was sooo much in there!!
What a great post - I SO struggle with pride - way more than I am generally willing to admit. Needed this reminder.
I love how God pierces our heart through the unexpected, like reading a character in a book. Pride is a big one for sure. An important reminder of who calls us and what he has called us to. Thanks for sharing!
I love your analogy of God shining through our broken places. I've never thought of it in terms that He would not be able to shine through if we weren't "broken." And I love your humility. Great job stomping on that pride and giving us a peek into the process, Laura! :)
I always forget how much God shines through the broken. Your right, until someone comes along who is broken and you can just see so much of God through them. It makes me wonder just how much of Him I'm allowing to shine through.
Said so well, and so succinctly. May I be ever-humble, broken wretch that I am.
I think I need to read Crime and Punishment. This speaks today. Thank you, Laura. Still praying for you sweet family.
Pride, ug. A major personal stumbling stone. I am reading through the Old Testament (for the first time) - lots in there about pride and many, many good lessons for me.
Thinking of you and Andrew and praying for you always...
Ok so you know me!!1 Good post Laura and brings me up short once again to the PRIDE issue...We all struggle don't we, but often in different ways. Love you Clella
We all need these reminders, don't we? God has used some events in my life over this past year particularly to remind me how completely dependent I am on Him for everything. It's a scary place to be at first, but very freeing. Now if I can just stay in this place. :)
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