June is so nice. We're enjoying the time and the quiet...and looking forward to a few things.
I'm linking up with Susanne at Living to Tell the Story for Friday's Fave Five today. Won't you join us?
Here are my five favorites for this week:
1. College boy. He’s coming home soon! After school was out, he stayed a bit in Kentucky to work on a film project, and he sets out soon to drive to Florida. We’ll all be glad to have him back home for a while.
2. A visit. A special young lady is coming to visit this weekend. We’re thankful she lives close enough to drive down so often to see our son. We love her—it’s great to have her here!
3. New York by Edward Rutherfurd. I’ve mentioned his books before. If you like historical fiction and don’t mind a long read, they’re fascinating. I’m hoping to read London next, if our library has it.
4. My son’s words. My son wrote a post on his blog and posted it to Facebook this week, talking about his experiences in the past five months and God’s faithfulness. You can read my thoughts about it here. It was a great exercise for him to sit down, think through, and articulate how he felt about everything, and the encouragement others left him was just great. If you click on over, you can read it too. I’m proud of him.
5. A quote:
“It is what you read when you don't have to that determines what you will be when you can’t help it.” (Oscar Wilde)
I love that!
Happy June, Happy Summer to you,
I know it will be good to have your college boy home again!
I'm glad your son's girlfriend lives close enough to visit.
I know how thankful my dad always was when I came home from college...and I was only 3 hours away!
Your other son's account is a true testimony. I was teary yesterday reading it!
Your son's blogpost was so touching! I'm so glad he can see the faithfulness of God surrounding his life.
I know you're excited to have your other son, and your son's girlfriend visit. Enjoy!
Glad your son is home. You must be so proud of him! Interesting quote. I like it.
I read your son's post when you posted about it. Very touching! I can see why y'all are proud of him.
I'm so glad that you like your son's girlfriend! That's such an important and wonderful thing! :)
great quote
Oh my, that post by your son was beautiful and put a lump in my throat. My heart just dropped when the picture of the car flashed up on the screen.
I know how excited you must be to see your college son again.
That is a great quote.
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