A new school year approaches; there's a cacaphony of sound.
There's a cheer coming from the section of moms who are craving the balance the school year gives. There are the cries of kids (and moms) who aren't looking forward to early mornings and homework-filled evenings.
And then there's that tearing sound. You know, the one that comes when we have to let go.
Babies to kindergarten, college freshmen off to the university--letting go is hard.
This "letting go" doesn't just apply to our kids but to every person and situation and gift and job we cherish.
I seem to have to learn it over and over. We had just gotten used to an empty nest when, in January of this year, our twenty-three-year-old son was involved in a serious car accident and needed us. He needed to come home to Florida for his recovery, and he did.
So we readjusted. Back to helping him with things he wanted to do alone, back to listening for him in the night.
After seven months, praise God, he was ready to move back to Kentucky. His life isn't without challenges, but the Lord is providing and he's doing well. We're so thankful. I could write volumes on how the Lord has provided.
So, here I am...letting go again! Which made it easy for me to guest post today on Mothering from Scratch. Click on over to read "Holding Sons Close While Letting Go."

Life is such a lesson isn't it, Laura? even for those living in an empty nest for awhile now, there is somethings exciting, bittersweet and thought provoking about the start of school time....
great post Laura....sometimes I have trouble letting go of things I SHOULD let go of (bad habits, fear, worry)....this year, at least, it's gonna be a bit easier letting my oldest girl go off to Gordon! :) this 2nd year is really MUCH easier now that i've been through the experience of having her be in Boston and a freshman :) God is good....and yeah..i'm not ready to let go of my summer schedule yet....:)
Some life lessons are hard, and I seem to go through them over and over. Isn't it curious that I have to relearn things again? Argh. I'm gonna' check out your quest post. Hope your day at school was a good one today!
Just came upon your blog googling about mom's of boys. I really like this post. I have 5 boys and the oldest just got out of high school and I can relate!! Thanks!
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