How often do you grumble?
I am so guilty.
And I’ve noticed I grumble most in the middle of other grumblers. It’s like it’s contagious or something.
What’s the problem with grumbling?
When you look up the word in a concordance, you see pretty quickly it was the Number One sin of the Israelites after they left Egypt. They witnessed the power of God firsthand as all those plagues were visited on Egypt, and their departure (laden with jewels) was nothing short of miraculous. But in the desert, they grumbled. Big time.
And that didn’t work out so well for them. They wandered longer and those who left Egypt didn’t survive to see the land of promise.
The more I think about grumbling, the less attractive it appears.
It models Satan, the patron saint of discontent. Not who I want to be likened to.
It contradicts my faith. When I’m grumbling, I’m expressing a lack of faith.
It’s not really who I am. “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light” (I Peter 9).
It accomplishes nothing. Grumbling is a step backwards. It doesn’t help me or those around me. In fact…
It drags me—and those around me—down. Scripture tells us to speak “only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen” (Eph. 4:29). My grumbling doesn’t help others; it hurts them.
It’s caught up in circumstances…so when I grumble, I am, too. But we’re called to rejoice not in circumstances, but in God, who IS good.
He works for the good of those who love him (Romans 8:28).
So, grumbling—begone!

I'm linking up with Laura, Jen, and Michelle today.
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i am a number one grumbler. and that sentence where you remind me that it was the isrealites' primary sin? ouch.
GREAT POST Laura! Thanks for the great reminder. Need to read this every day! Miss you...
Such a great post. I completely believe God showed me that my one-month battle with vertigo this summer was tied to grumbling! I'm not saying that such things are always the case. Discipline is personal and specific to each of us by a God who loves us as dear children. And I was a child who needed discipline on my grumbling!
I confess I too am a grumbler. I don't like the negativity, though and when i realize if this is the worse thing that happens to me, then I have much to be thankful for - the grumbles fade away. Wish I didn't grumble in the first place but alas, I do....
Great words here girl! It's amazing how we can "accidentally" stumble into a grumbling attitude-- but you are so right, it shows our ungratefulness for all He does for us and gives Satan a foothold. Thanks for the sweet and important reminder!
My husband has even pointed out that sometimes my observations seem to be complaints...but that is not even my intention!
It has only come to my attention in the past year how much I grumble...
thank you!
I've noticed lately that I say, "I wish ... " A LOT! And God has convicted me that I need to stop this very bad habit. I think it is like what you are saying here, Laura Lee. Grumbling is a lack of faith and a slap in the face of our gracious Father. Thanks for this reminder!
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