February is on its way out, and spring is right around the corner!
linking up today with Susanne at Living to Tell the Story for Friday’s Fave
Five, where we share our five favorite blessings of the week. We’d love to have
you join us!
blessings this week:
A professional teaching certificate! My son Andrew got his this week—I got a
text with a picture of it. It represents a lot of work during a difficult time.
I’m proud of him!
Phone calls from my boys. They all check in, and I love it. We have some of the
greatest conversations. Serious ones, funny ones, just catch-up ones. I do love
to hear from them.
A short week. We had Monday off for Presidents’ Day, and today is a
professional day. There are meetings to attend, but it’s a different day, and
that’s nice.
A thank you note. I got the sweetest thank you from Andrew’s fiancée. It was
kind of a “thanks for welcoming me into the family” note, and it said such
sweet things. She’s a doll—a real keeper!
A little "extra" bonus before the quote: check out my interview today with Jenny Lee Sulpizio in her post, "Write On, Mom." Thanks, Jenny.
This quote. My sweet daughter-in-law posted it earlier this week on Facebook,
and I nabbed it, knowing it would be great for this week’s FFF.
is the best arbitrator of all differences, the best promoter of friendship, the
best cure and preservative against all unkind tempers, all angry and haughty
passions...You cannot possibly have an ill-temper or show any unkind behavior
to a man for whose welfare you are so much concerned, as to be his advocate
with God in private.” (William Law)
This rang
true for me, even this week. When I pray for a difficult student and show just
a bit of extra kindness, what a difference it makes! Have you ever experienced
Friday will be March 1. Can you believe that?
Hope you
enjoy your last week of February,

great quote! and yup..i've experienced that...not so much with students but with acquaintances in a church situation. praying really does help put things and that person into perspective. I love that your son has his certificate!! YAY!! and how nice of your future daughter in law to write you a loving note. Enjoy the weekend, Laura!!
Love the quote! It fits right in with the prayer emphasis that we are in right now in my church. Intercession for others is so needed - both for the person you are praying for and for yourself.
I enjoyed the interview Jenny did with you. I feel like I know you even better.
Kudos to your son for getting his teaching certificate, especially in the midst of the challenges he has experienced lately.
glad you've gotten a little time off this week. i love hearing about your interaction with the boys - i look to you as my older is in scholarship season and readying for college....
I read something very similar by Spurgeon this morning - that if you have a difference with another believer then pray before you discuss it. I'm sure it would change things.
Congratulations to Andrew! His hard work rewarded.
Phone calls from family are the best!
Happy weekend!
Awww, sounds like you will have two wonderful daughter-in-loves to go with your darling boys. I love getting the phone calls, but even more the "face time or skype."
What a beautiful, and challenging quote. I'm going to have to try putting that into practice. I have a home daycare and there's a little guy that just clashes with me and makes it very hard to show those extra bits of kindness, yet how important and beneficial it would be. Thank you.
Glad you had a good week, and what a wonderful future daughter in law it sounds like you have.
I've had the same experience when I've had difficulty with someone or am angry with them. It's hard to hold onto those feelings when you've prayed for them.
Your daughter-in-law-to-be sounds like a gem:)
Congrats to your son!! How exciting!
That's sweet that your boys call you and check in on you. I have a feeling my boys will do that too.
I've heard so many horror stories about daughter in laws. I pray daily for my son's spouses if God wills it.
Great quote!! Thanks for sharing!
All in all a good week for you ! You are lucky to have such a DIL, mine is so shy, cool and distant, it's hard to get some nice conversation out of her. But my son is happy, and that is what counts.
I love that quote. I'll have to confess being ill-tempered (at times) has gotten the best of me in an ongoing frustrating situation, but the Lord also has been reminding me just how much he loves this person. My prayer is that I can love like He loves.
What a sweet week for a proud Mama! Hope you enjoyed the professional day as a break from the routine.
Congratulations to Andrew!
I am with you in enjoying when kids check in. It's so nice to talk to them weekly and to touch base with texts and Facebook and e-mails through the week.
Short weeks and a change of pace are nice.
Your new d-i-l to be sounds sweet.
You've had some great family contact this week -- congrats to Andrew! An insightful quote, Laura, thank you.
That is a great quote and one to definitely keep in mind. I love how God changes our own hearts as we truly start to pray for those we don't get along with so well.
Congrats to Andrew! That is an awesome accomplishment.
It's Sunday already as I type this and that short week and the weekend has really flown by.
Yes, Laura, your quote for this week is excellent! I plan to share it with my small group at Bible study.
Teacher's Certificate! Yay, Andrew!!
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