I read a blog post today by Megan Hill entitled, “The Very Worst Trend Ever.”
I had such mixed emotions.
First of all, who didn’t read Jen Hatmaker’s post, “Worst End of School Year Mom Ever” and howl and cry and nod your head?
In true Erma Bombeck fashion, we commiserated that day over Jen’s words. And it was awesome.
And who doesn’t love Ann Voskamp’s dirty dishes in the sink as she loves on her bunch of kids? Most of wish we could push the dishes aside and have those priorities.
But something about Megan Hill’s subtitle caught me: “How our love of brokenness actually fails us.”
Those two writers aside (because I definitely don’t think the following describes them), I do feel that within the blogosphere there’s a bit too much wallowing. Kind of like, let’s all admit we’re worms and wiggle around in this mud together…and claim grace.
Megan points to Titus 2: 11-13: “For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people, training us to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in the present age.”
Notice what that says—GRACE trains us to renounce…and live self-controlled and godly lives.
Grace doesn’t stop with “what a worm am I.” It has more work to do.
So, I’d like to propose a question amidst all this brokenness and laughter and commiserating that we call the mud of life:
Where does your brokenness drive you?
We might as well ‘fess up—yes, we’re all broken. But where does that drive you?
To talk to or read about another mom who messes up as badly as you do? And do you stop there?
Or does it drive you to perfect your life even more, taking the reins from the One who should have them?
On both ends of the spectrum—wherever you are—brokenness has validity only if it drives you to the One who can do something about it.
Maybe you see Him in the mom who just listens and gives you a bit of hope. The mom who writes your life, and you realize it’s okay to be broken.
But look around the corner.
Take the next turn.
Fall into the arms of the only One who can bring hope from our brokenness.

I'm linking up with Laura, Michelle, and Jen today.
I hadn't thought about Jen Hatmaker's post in that light -- probably because of the perfectionist in me was too busy screaming "How could you let all that slide??" But neither extreme is very good - grace for all of us is needed. And what hope that we can cling to that grace and allow the Giver to transform our hearts.
Great post, Laura, and a subject that needs addressing. I'm not a fan of Ann Voskamp, and I've never heard of Jen Hatmaker (perhaps I should get out more), but I do find an abundance of bloggers who do nothing but talk about their failures, their shortcomings, their fears, and their lack of discipline. After awhile, it's exhausting and, actually, discouraging.
While I don't claim to have all the answers, and I fail more times than I can count, I am confident that, through Christ, I can do ALL things! That's what I believe we need to be promoting--through Christ we are overcomers!
This commentary is so needed. I am over it with the jokes in the blog world about what a mess things are in our own homes - that we read, write, and circulate while we sit in front of our computers! Jokes and commiseration are great, but where do they lead us to? It is rare for me to even find a women's study or fellowship group these days where strengthening each other in Christ and in Proverbs 31 is the theme instead of competing in our brokenness. Our brokenness should lead us to putting ourselves flat on the floor in front of our Lord every morning asking Him to take control of our mess and our family and fulfill His promises to order our lives. Elizabeth Elliott is my mentor in these areas...her book "The Shaping of a Christian Family" changed my view of motherhood and family permanently. Our God is a God of order, and He wants to take control of our mess!!! We have to relinquish it instead of savoring it!
Great post, Laura! I liked when you wrote, "On both ends of the spectrum—wherever you are—brokenness has validity only if it drives you to the One who can do something about it."
I so agree! We shouldn't just stay in our brokenness - grace isn't an excuse to stay that way - but ask Him for help and start making baby steps to improve.
I have mixed emotions, too, Laura. On the one hand, when bloggers, writers, columnists, Facebook friends, etc., don't mention their failures, they are accused or thought of as being unreal and trying to portray picture-perfect lives. Sometimes seeing that others aren't perfect makes them seem more human and relatable. (I used to wonder if one of my college professors in Home Economics who required that all foods be made from scratch ever secretly kept Hamburger Helper in her own pantry). But on the other hand, wallowing in imperfection and presuming on grace isn't the answer either. Your question about where brokenness drives us is a good one.
Laura, So true. If we are not careful, our ladies meetings,our prayer circles, our Bible Studies can all become "wallowing in the mud" of our lives. Your questioning post brings thought for all of us. Thanks. Clella
This is a great reminder that grace should lead us to live self-controlled lives.
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