From Sons to Fathers

To my sons:

Yes, I know that only one of you is very close to fatherhood ... but you all will be one day, and I’m here to tell you that you’ll make GREAT dads! Here’s why:

You have a great model in your own father -- a responsible but fun dad who’s not afraid of hard work. He’s creative, determined, and as I’ve heard you all say often, “He knows everything and can fix anything.”

You know the Heavenly Father. He has filled you boys with love and compassion for others and a clear sense of right and wrong. He’ll be there for you to depend on, even when the going gets tough as it does for dads.

Each one of you has his own special gifts and talents, and you’ll use those as your disciple your kids. You are four different young men, not a duplicate among you – testimony to God’s creativity.

I know fatherhood may be years away for some of you (although very near for one!), but I want you to know I do look forward to the day. My prayer is that you’ll be as blessed by parenthood as your dad and I have been. By the way, your sweet Father’s Day words, cards, and calls made his day!


Karen said...

Laura, what a great legacy and blessings you and your hubby have given your boys. Blessings**

JonathanG said...

Thanks for the encouragement Mom. I know I told Dad as much in his card, but I think often about how blessed I am to have a Dad as great as he is now that I am a Dad-to-be! And as for the Father and his gifts to us, so much of us understanding those things now was because of you and Dad and the many ways you reminded us of that as we were growing up. I love you both so much, and I will be the Dad that I am because of your and Dad's faithfulness in raising us. Thanks Mom (and Dad)!

Johnnie Alexander said...

Absolutely the greatest legacy is to have grown up in such a Christ-centered home. Your boys are so blessed.

I'm a little teary-eyed!

Busy Bee Suz said...

The role of the father is so important...just ask someone who did not have one. :)
Love your have a sweet family!!

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